Hey guys! I am currently a junior with an interest in “stories.” Stories in any medium or language, such as novels, television, film, plays, poems, graphic novels, etc. However, I’d like to focus in television and film due to the large audiences and networking aspect. And this is not a desire to become famous or get rich quick; stories are simply my passion (if anything, I’d work under a penname or some such).
The past year I’ve been looking into only colleges with well reputed screenwriting programs (such as USC, Tisch, etc). However, I’m not too sure that’s what I want anymore – I don’t really think I have the skill to write.
Instead, I’d rather discover other truly talented writers and give them the opportunity to become something. I’d also like to do the organizing and budgeting and “let’s make it happen” side of television or films. But especially the finding and hiring part – especially new folks trying to make it, whether they be writers, directors, editors, sound/lights/anyone. I’m not really sure what this is all called – a producer?
If anyone can give me information on (a) what kind of major that is, (b) which schools are best known for that, and © perhaps maybe the air/feel/type of interaction of each school, it would be greatly appreciated.
(d) I’d also like to get a better idea of the way business works in the television and film industry. For example, do you build a team and everyone works together on each project, or do you find someone to fill in each spot for each individual job, etc? What’s the crew dynamic and how can you begin that during college.
Any information at all would really be helpful. I’m only beginning to look into life beyond high school.
Thank you,