What major should I say?

For college apps, most of the schools require you to apply to a certain school based on your major. Most of my EC’s and activities and courseload points towards biology, I’ve done a lot of research and indicated interest in Biology. However, recently I’ve been interested in Nursing because I want to help people hands on and it has applicable knowledge compared to research, but most schools (i.e. Northeastern, VCU, UVA) have it as a different school to apply to and, to my understanding, you need a BSN to become a nurse…

Should I say that I’m applying as a biology major so I have a better chance of being accepted and switch later if interested, or should I just apply as nursing because that’s what I think I will pursue. I have been also looking into a double major (Bio/Nursing) or a minor (Nursing major, bio minor). On a related note, how do Nurse researchers work, it’s something that definitely interests me.

I’m not sure whether this is the right place for this thread, thank you regardless.

If you want to become a nurse, you don’t have to follow the BSN path in order to become an RN. You can go the AA degree in nursing route and then continue with a BSN program at a later date. That being said, in many schools, especially direct admit programs, you MUST apply to the specific school or apply for NURSING major. Nursing majors usually have higher GPA, SAT, ACT requirements as well as specific prerequisite courses and grades that must have been achieved in those courses. Many programs will not allow you to switch from a Bio major into nursing. Look at the curriculum of the different programs before applying to make certain this is want you want. You can become a researcher without being a nurse. Some programs will allow you to transfer from Nursing to Bio.

There are also accelerated BSN programs that take people with bachelor’s degrees in other fields (assuming they meet the qualifications). That’s usually a year or so of extra study past graduation.

I’m not aware of many programs that allow one to double major in nursing and something else just because of the structure of most nursing programs. It’s possible to minor in some fields, but most nursing students have enough going on.

A lot of programs limit transfers in … and you still have to take the prerequisites to do so. It’s best to ask your colleges what they might recommend in your situation.

Some universities will let you list a first and second choice for a major, so if you are not accepted in nursing, you can be accepted as a bio major, for instance. Check out the fine print.

UVa’s nursing program is very competitive for admission. On a percentage admitted basis, it is more competitive than most other parts of UVa.

Many of the very selective direct entry BSN programs do not have room for transfers. However, you could always transfer to a college that has a 2-2 nursing program if you are not admitted as a freshman into nursing.

I know that the University of San Francisco, will not admit you into another discipline if you state nursing and they do not allow a transfer from another major into nursing.

Same for Umass Amherst. If you apply for nursing you are not considered for other majors. It is new this year.

As of a few years ago, Penn State and U. Del gave an applicant opportunities to pick alternative majors.