What math class is recommended to take AP Chemistry?

<p>I'm gonna take it as a sophomore next year and I was wondering how hard the math is. I took Algebra 2 as a freshman and I'm gonna take Advanced Math as a sophomore. How hard is the math for Chemistry? Is Algebra 2 good enough?</p>

<p>Algebra 2 is fine. You won’t understand something like how the integrated rate laws are derived but you don’t need to know that to solve problems.</p>

<p>All you have to be able to do is push the log, ln, and e^x buttons on your calculator. Seriously.</p>

<p>I’m doing Honors Chem with Geometry (already taken Algebra II). Honestly, you can do most things with a calculator. Might be different in AP, though.</p>

<p>yeah, definitely just algebra 2. You’ll use basic equation solving and some logs and…I guess that’s it. As aldfig0 pointed out, the rate laws are derived with calculus, which helps people understand where they’re coming from. but honestly if you’re not as lazy as I am you can just memorize them and you’ll be fine; that’s the only example using higher math I can remember. it’s not as math-intensive a course as people make it out to be.</p>

<p>calc is helpful if you really want to understand how to derive some kinetics formulas but algebra 2 is sufficient</p>

<p>Kind of depends on your school. For example, you need to know about logarithms and my school doesn’t teach them until pre-calculus.
But if you can do logarithms, the quadratic formula, and basic algebra you’ll be fine.</p>