What may happen to my admissions?

<p>I just graduated from from High School with a noticeable drop in my grades due to personal problems. I was accepted into Oxford college of Emory and was wondering if this decline in my grades would warrant me to send an explanation to admissions about the drop, get them to send a me a notice about my grades, get them to start me in college with academic probation or even get my admissions rescind?</p>

<p>My Second Semester Grades are as following</p>

<p>Humanities: C+
AP US Government: C+
Ceramics: B
AP Biology: C+
AP Micro Economics: C
AP Statistics: C-</p>

<p>My Weighted GPA is a 3.0 for this semester
and I was accepted last semester with A's and B's and one C+(In AP Statistics)</p>

<p>Likely not. That’s a term GPA and this is your 4th year. This one 3.0 will not drag down the overall GPA enough and they will recognize the rigor of your courseload (once you get to Oxford, if you are choosing to attend, my friends from there suggest that your senior year of HS won’t be the end of this). Chill out and enjoy your summer. Get excited for college.</p>