What percent of students: plays sports? drinks?...

<p>...and get horribly, disgustingly, organically drunk?! pheeeew!! :eek:</p>

<p>.... can i join? :D</p>

<p>yup.... train leaves thursday evening at 21.25 </p>

<p>then again... me no drinking with you again! last time i did that (recent, wasn't it?). I ended up taking a bac exam with a hangover... True, you weren't the only guilty part, but still.</p>

<p>......on second thought...... me forgive you</p>

<p>hehe...can i join the romanian drinkin club as well? plz :o</p>

<p>lol so which is it?
25% never, or 75% weekly, a little more sometimes?
and fyi, for pre-frosh week, there was some in-dorm beirut and shot-poker goin on...and some incoming frosh people with 1600s and incredible stats were having some fun...not just the lesser geniuses...lol not to be critical, getting in is AMAZING! but i mean the cream of the cream of the crop, having fun...ah pton would be so fun.</p>