What percent of students: plays sports? drinks?...

<p>So, any current or former students, Im curious,
what percent of freshmen and overall studetns at pton:
does varsity sports?
is in an eating club?
has sex?
does nothing social?
eats in their rooms?
anything else statistically significant?</p>


<p>Some of these are just estimates but....</p>

<p>drinks? 75%
does varsity sports? 25%
parties? often? maybe 40%
is in an eating club? 75% of juniors and seniors
has sex? i think a survey on point reported about 50%
does nothing social? 5%
eats in their rooms? maybe 15%</p>

<p>damn some of those seem low...or unexpected.
I woulda thought:
85% drank,
40% varsity sports
55% parties weekly
75% for eating clubs sounds right,
66% sex
5% holed-up sounds right
25% eat in their rooms. (as in has own cookable food, or uses dorm kitchen or whatever, rather than cafeteria)</p>

<p>Any reasoning behind some of those numbers?</p>

<p>yea i thought 50% of ptonians having had sex was a bit low but i found the point.princeton.edu surveys that id looked at....</p>

<p>Sex before marriage...</p>

<p>I definitely will not have it.: 12%
I think I will not have it.: 7%
I don't know.: 7%
I will likely have it.: 17%
I did have it, but I regret it.: 2%
I did have it, no regrets.: 50%
My thoughts about marriage make this irrelevant.: 4% </p>

<p>723 total votes</p>

<p>Are you a virgin?</p>

<p>Yes: 52%
No: 48% </p>

<p>284 total votes </p>

<p>point.princeton.edu is a site managed by the student government to provide students with all sorts of useful information from restaurant ratings to campus events to train schedules. It also puts up daily polls that can be amusing to look through.</p>

<p>So yea, from these polls 50% or so of pton students have had sex, though this does seem sorta skewed. </p>

<p>As for alcohol, i guess i was a bit low, thought 85% might be a bit high:</p>

<p>Have you ever been McCoshed due to alcohol?</p>

<p>No, I don't drink.: 19%
No, and I do drink.: 71%
Yes, once: 8%
Yes, twice: 0.8%
Yes, three times: 0.2%
Yes, four times: 0.3%
Yes, five times: 0.2%
Yes, more than five times: 0.5% </p>

<p>601 total votes</p>

<p>As for partying, heres another poll that might give you an idea:</p>

<p>How often do you go out to the Street at night?</p>

<p>At least 5 nights a week: 4%
3-4 nights a week: 13%
Twice a week: 26%
Once a week: 19%
Once every other week: 12%
Once every 3 weeks: 7%
Once a month: 5%
Never/Hardly Ever: 15% </p>

<p>372 total votes</p>

<p>And as for varsity sports, if i remember correctly about 25% of ptonians are recruited athletes so i figured it would be around that. </p>

<p>Some other notable information from point polls:
9% of [responding] students say they have been arrested
43% of students have smoked pot
38% of students have an ipod
55% of students believe in God
8% of students have parents who did not attend college
88% of students are not gay/bi/unsure
29% of students were born by Cesarean section
49% of students consider themselves liberal/very liberal, 24% conservative/very conservative, 26% moderate</p>

<p>haha i love how the numbers for the virginity and sex dont match up.
wait so up to 40% of PTon people go to the street at most once every two weeks? wow. </p>

<p>how many people are there on the street? will you pretty much end up knowing everyone?</p>

<p>on thursdays and saturdays, a pretty good portion of the student body is on the street. more people go to the street on saturday than thurs, and people stay out later on saturday than thurs since many people do have class on friday. also, a good number of high schoolers can be found on the street, particularly on saturday nights. and im sure there'll be some kids from other colleges and such, who knows. ull never know everyone on the street... i guess you can eventually get to know everyone in your eating club once you join one, but to know everyone on the street is like knowing half the student body on any given night. thats pretty ambitious, even at a relatively small school like pton.</p>

<p>what happens on friday nights? why is it an off night?</p>

<p>On Friday people probably go out for movies, cultural activities like Broadway, hit NYC, go to the theatre or concerts etc. Thursday and Saturday are the partying nights at Pton. Sunday is.... studying, church for some, generally taking it easy?</p>

<p>Dude, you gotta give your liver a break SOMETIME ;)</p>

<p>hehehehe that was a clever response. e-props for ivyboy! lol</p>



<p>and recovering from saturday night...</p>

<p>so gia, revan pav, mea, cevonia, londonboy and all other intels...is the legal age for drinking 18 everywhere EXCEPT for the US???</p>

<p>dunno... I've been drinking since a lot earlier. I don't know if there is a legal age for drinking here. 18 years is the legal age to purchase alcohol. And not even that. It is just forbidden to sell alcohol to minors. But the point is that after you are 18 you can drink all you want.... that is untill you brake other sorts of laws :D. </p>

<p>And i think this applies to most countries except US.</p>

<p>Normaly i would gloat. But i'm a goin' to the U.S. And i've just signed and mailed the letter saying i understand the laws on alcohol......

<p>China doesn't have minimum ages, as far as I can tell. I think the way they manage underage drinking is through relatively (relative to the average income) high prices on alcohol - especially in bars and clubs. Also, Chinese parents tend to keep close watch on their kids and are generally far more authoritarian then western ones, so there's less scope for drinking. It is great though, not needing ID to go, well, anywhere.</p>

<p>haha no i know my nephrons need to chilax a little Im just saying its strange cuz friday here in high school is when we have our fun...saturday is more of a kickback day...and thursday is punishment for-procrastination-for-stuff-due-friday day.</p>

<p>Is there any obvious discrimination against freshmen, or is it harder for them to find stuff?</p>

<p>wait, so 12% of Pton is gay?</p>

<p>My class is by far the gayest class ever. It's due to Rapelye, and will surely lead to changes in the way Princeton works.</p>

<p>You guys need to watch out for these Point polls. The demographic tends to be...nerdier...than the Princeton population as a whole.</p>

<p>is it just me... or is 55% of the student body having a belief in a god quite low?</p>

<p>yea, the datas pretty skewed, but what poll isnt? its fun to browse through anyway. some of the more recent ones are just silly cuz they seem to be running out of ideas.</p>

<p>75% of students drink....?</p>

<p>define drinking.
Cuz if 75 % of students drink more than 5 beers a week it will be fun.
But if it means that 25% of students never touch alcohol, the survey gets a whole different meaning and Pton starts looking like a covenant.</p>

<p>So which one is it?</p>

<p>In any case, 8% of students being McCoshed at least once for alcohol is promising. :D However there should have been one more option there</p>


No, I don't drink.: 19%
No, and I do drink.: 71%
Yes, once: 8%
Yes, twice: 0.8%
Yes, three times: 0.2%
Yes, four times: 0.3%
Yes, five times: 0.2%
Yes, more than five times: 0.5%


<p>Don't ask me, dude, i don't know....duuuuh.... shouldn't have touched that absynthe.... 98%</p>

<p>Hahahahaha! Revan, we've got to go out partying together sometime.</p>