<p>yea i thought 50% of ptonians having had sex was a bit low but i found the point.princeton.edu surveys that id looked at....</p>
<p>Sex before marriage...</p>
<p>I definitely will not have it.: 12%
I think I will not have it.: 7%
I don't know.: 7%
I will likely have it.: 17%
I did have it, but I regret it.: 2%
I did have it, no regrets.: 50%
My thoughts about marriage make this irrelevant.: 4% </p>
<p>723 total votes</p>
<p>Are you a virgin?</p>
<p>Yes: 52%
No: 48% </p>
<p>284 total votes </p>
<p>point.princeton.edu is a site managed by the student government to provide students with all sorts of useful information from restaurant ratings to campus events to train schedules. It also puts up daily polls that can be amusing to look through.</p>
<p>So yea, from these polls 50% or so of pton students have had sex, though this does seem sorta skewed. </p>
<p>As for alcohol, i guess i was a bit low, thought 85% might be a bit high:</p>
<p>Have you ever been McCoshed due to alcohol?</p>
<p>No, I don't drink.: 19%
No, and I do drink.: 71%
Yes, once: 8%
Yes, twice: 0.8%
Yes, three times: 0.2%
Yes, four times: 0.3%
Yes, five times: 0.2%
Yes, more than five times: 0.5% </p>
<p>601 total votes</p>
<p>As for partying, heres another poll that might give you an idea:</p>
<p>How often do you go out to the Street at night?</p>
<p>At least 5 nights a week: 4%
3-4 nights a week: 13%
Twice a week: 26%
Once a week: 19%
Once every other week: 12%
Once every 3 weeks: 7%
Once a month: 5%
Never/Hardly Ever: 15% </p>
<p>372 total votes</p>
<p>And as for varsity sports, if i remember correctly about 25% of ptonians are recruited athletes so i figured it would be around that. </p>
<p>Some other notable information from point polls:
9% of [responding] students say they have been arrested
43% of students have smoked pot
38% of students have an ipod
55% of students believe in God
8% of students have parents who did not attend college
88% of students are not gay/bi/unsure
29% of students were born by Cesarean section
49% of students consider themselves liberal/very liberal, 24% conservative/very conservative, 26% moderate</p>