What SAT II's should I take?

As a nursing major, what SAT II’s should I look into taking? As of now, none of my schools require SAT II but I think I will still take it especially if I can manage a good score.

Math 2 and a science. Either Biology or Chemistry should be fine.

What level of math are you currently taking? What grade are you in?

11th grade, pre calc @evergreen5

Then take Math 2 in June.

I’d suggest bio, if you are taking some type of advanced bio. Don’t send in the score until you find out if it is good.

In general, it is best to take a SAT II around the same time you have finished a related junior year class and have studied for the end of the year exam or AP exam for the class. That way the material is fresh in your mind The alternative is to try to take the test after you have completed at least a few months of a related senior year class.

I probably should have stated this earlier but I am in a good situation regarding SAT II math but not science. My school is very competitive and hard. As a result, I took regular bio in 9th grade (honors bio is known as one of the hardest classes in my school and fyi I did try honors bio but was doing poorly so I switched out). I took honors chem in 10th grade finishing with an A- both semesters. I did not take AP Chem because knowing my school and me, did not feel as if it was a good idea. @Charliesch @Hamurtle

Many nursing programs only require one semester of chem.

Why do you want to waste the time and money when it is not required?

@MomOf3DDs I’m a junior so my college list isn’t finalized yet. As a result, I would like to take it in case a school pops up that requires it.

Last time I looked a few years ago, U. of Virginia strongly recommends 2 SAT IIs for all incoming students…

I’ll look to see if that still holds true…thanks for letting me know @Charliesch