What schools did your child pass on in order to attend Alabama

The Benz plant is ~20 minutes north on I20.

As a current student, here are some schools I have heard being passed up:
Notre Dame

My son is passing on Tulane, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, University of Nebraska, and our instate flagship, UIUC.

Passing on Emory and Northwestern offers to study music at Alabama. Roll Tide!!

Passed up Duke, U Michigan, full ride at U New Mexico, Barrett @ASU, Maryland & Colorado School of Mines

My son is passing on Pitt, Grinnell, Case Western and University of Colorado-Boulder.

University of Nebraska

My son passed up Boston College, UConn, South Carolina, and University of Florida (my and my husband’s alma mater and a very significant OOS scholarship). He is just starting his second year and he absolutely has no regrets.

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This thread is pretty old I know, so not sure any of the posters from a few years ago are hanging around, but my S23 and I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Ole Miss and Alabama really just to check them out, not expecting much from the experience except to have them as “safety” schools as others have said, with great auto merit. I actually really liked both schools in person, although Alabama looked better on paper to me than Ole Miss, but my son loved Alabama. Coming from Michigan with a kid who bleaches and dyes his hair pink and loves Dungeons and Dragons and is agnostic, I wasn’t sure how we’d feel there, but I think we saw enough to know that he will be able to find his people. The weather is actually a huge con for him, he didn’t like the walking tour portion with the temp in the low 80s, and we talked about the likely miserable heat in August and September, but that aside, he’s a pragmatic kid and he said that it’s going to be hard for any other place to measure up (balancing the financial piece with everything else). He will apply to our flagship (U of M) and maybe a few others, but we know he won’t get any money from U of M even supposing he gets in, which is not guaranteed even for a pretty high stats kid in-state, and if he does, it will still cost almost 20k more per year to go there because it’s not inexpensive even for in-state tuition. We’ve got lots of time left to figure things out, but I have a suspicion we will be getting some Alabama flags by this time next year. I am so grateful to the CC community for the discussions!

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Hi, please start a new thread on this topic. Times have changed and this thread is nearly ten years old.