What schools did your child pass on in order to attend Alabama

<p>Knoxpatch…go in Engineering she can always change her mind and give up the scholarship but if she switches to engineering later she can’t get the scholarship.</p>

<p>We don’t know if she’ll go med or other grad but either way, thanks! That’s great information.</p>

<p>Longsx3: That’s a strategically smart approach I hadn’t thought of. You may have saved us $2.5K. That’s a nice present under the tree. All the best for the new year.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish123: that’s a great incentive [engineering with extra scholarship] but I’m pretty certain she’ll go in undeclared.</p>

<p>That’s not a good strategy. Since she’s considering eng’g, she needs to declare eng’g…even if just general eng’g (she can change later). </p>

<p>If she goes in undeclared AND then chooses eng’g, she LOSES 2500 per year. That’s just not a good idea when money is an issue for you. </p>

<p>My med school son was a Chemical Eng’g major because that major pretty much includes all the premed prereqs. MANY ChemE majors are premed, so there’s a lot of comraderie with the whole app process.</p>

<p>We don’t know if she’ll go med or other grad but either way, thanks! That’s great information.</p>

<p>Understandable. About 75% of incoming premeds never go to med school (at virtually all undergrads), so it is an unknown at this point. IF applies to PhD programs as a senior in college, those programs will be funded. If she applies to med schools, then loans will likely fund that (and maybe some family funds if possible).</p>

<p>M2CK- Please pardon my ignorance- but when you say PhD programs are funded does that mean that students in these programs get scholarships to cover the cost?</p>

<p>Also, when you say that med students get enough loans does that mean that students are able to pay for their tuition (of course to be paid back lol)??</p>

<p>Thanks and RTR!</p>

<p>PhD programs that are worth anything are fully funded…tuition, stipend, etc. Students are usually given a “tuition waiver” and then they’re given an annual stipend from about $15k-30k to cover room and board, etc. </p>

<p>Med students can rather easily get loans to cover all their costs. Federal Stafford med school loans cover most/all of any instate SOM (up to $224k*), and other loans can cover the rest (GradPlus-federal or private (Wells Fargo MedCap, Discover, etc). I have yet to see a med student not get their funding (loans)…there probably are some (maybe ones who’ve defaulted on previous loans??)</p>

<p>*includes undergrad.</p>

<p>UA is DD’s first choice and she will attend there in the fall for civil eng. This academic year our visits to UA were on engineering day (we went to Auburn’s last year to compare) and Capstone Scholar’s Day. DD also participated the 3rd time to UA Honor Band. She attended summer Crimson Band Camp the last two summers, and last summer also attended the UA SITE one week program in engineering (Student Introduction to Engineering). Rising HS jrs and srs are eligible to attend SITE. <a href=“http://www.site.ua.edu”>www.site.ua.edu</a> </p>

<p>DD has a strong GPA; had to pull up her ACT and fortunately after tutoring and hard work on testing skills has obtained the Presidential and full $ 10,000 engineering scholarship. She decided to audition for Marching Band in April (she already has a scholarship for playing in concert band), so she will make one more trip before BAMA Bound.</p>

<p>Glad my very good friend M2CK has been able to provide so much information to others on CC.</p>

<p>I can concur on all the compliments on this thread - I heard a lot of them from parents and students at Capstone Scholar’s Day where probably 60% were OOS. For example, a mom told me they were a “Brown family” but were excited about S coming to UA. Evidently another S had a medical problem at Brown (hospitalized and dazed), yet the school never notified them! School talked about student confidentiality! Mom got concerned when she was unable to contact S, and she contacted a room-mate then traveled to tend to her S. This would NOT happen at UA.</p>

<p>I have degrees from 3 universities in 3 states, and worked for two. I am so excited about DD attending UA. I got my MBA at TAMU, so since TAMU has joined the SEC I am sort of split between rooting for both schools. I knew at the last UA/TAMU match up, that if UA got ahead, it would be all over for TAMU and it was. Many of the TAMU football games were watched with an Aggie group in AL. SEC generates a lot of excitement. H and I are from WI so we have ties to UW too and follow their successes.</p>

<p>Hope people do not stress too much about the college selection process. Both DDs are going/have gone to their first choice (other DD is at UAB studying nursing), which also gave them the best scholarships and studying away from home opportunity. We fortunately are not too far away (150 mi from UA).</p>

<p>I am a foreign students and the cost of attendance matters a lot to me. Bama gave me the presidential & engineering scholarships.
DePauw University and Case Western Reserve University offered me some merit scholarships, but they were not enough to cover the tuition.
I also passed the offer from Northeastern, which gave me no aid of any kind.
I am waiting for aid decisions from Muhlenberg and a few more private LACs but I doubt they can be as generous as UA.</p>

<p>I was accepted into the STEM MBA earlier today, so I guess to me Bama is much more attractive than many “higher ranked” schools.</p>

<p>Congrats, Bluefish, you hit the presidential-engineering-STEM/MBA trifecta. Welcome to UA.
Where are you from, by the way?</p>

Congrats, Bluefish, you hit the presidential-engineering-STEM/MBA trifecta. Welcome to UA.

Imagine an int’l being able to get free tuition, plus 2500 per year…plus STEM/MBA!!!</p>

<p>Congrats!!! and welcome!!!</p>

<p>edit to add…</p>

I am an international student from Vietnam, currently studying in Singapore.

<p>Since you are from Vietnam…if by chance you are Catholic, it may interest you to know that there is a very active Catholic Church right on UA campus…St Francis of Assisi parish. You would surely meet other Vietnamese students there if that interests you. </p>

<p>Why isn’t this a “featured thread”? What is the criteria for a post becoming a “featured thread”? Must the post cast something about UA in a negative light? This thread has far more views than most of the silly threads that are currently “featured.” Anyone at CC wanna explain?</p>

<p>A huge thanks to all of you who have posted on this thread. As a parent of a graduating HS senior who is still on the fence for maybe a couple more weeks, this has been extremely helpful! </p>

<p>D visited a number of schools (we are in Va.). She had the high stats, GPA and ECs and was contacted by a number of ‘elite’ schools, two of which she visited (Cornell and UVA). She did not feel they were a good fit for her so did not apply. She was cognizant of merit offers which neither Cornell or UVA was giving. </p>

<p>She did apply at the following schools as they seemed more to her liking and was accepted.</p>

<p>VT - this was a safety but the campus seemed kind of ‘cold’ to her. DIdn’t help that visit was in a snow storm. VT offered no merit.
UGA - this one was number #1 until the UA visit. UGA merit offered instate tuition
Auburn - this one was OK but we had visited UA first so it didn’t measure up - AU offered 2/3rds of instate or instate I forget exactly.
LSU - We didn’t visit LSU but they offered instate tuition and a stipend of some sort.
AU - She loved the campus and feel there — Presidential merit was icing.</p>

<p>We looked ‘on paper’ (web sites) at a number of closer NE schools but it seems NE schools down through Va/NC give little in merit aid or if its available it seems to be only a handful of scholarships.</p>

<p>So Alabama here she comes.</p>

<p>Mr68gto, what is AU? I see you mentioned Auburn, then later AU. Is AU UA? It would be interesting if someone could post a side by side comparison of UA’s vs. AU’s generosity on scholarships. I don’t think I have ever seen that in any post. But it might help those interested in both schools to make easier decisions about which to visit. </p>

<p>I meant UA for University of Alabama and not AU. I hate that UA and AU are too similar when typing.</p>

<p>Mr68gto, nice recovery; you do not want to confuse UA and AU on this thread! </p>

<p>I passed on Vanderbilt, Full ride to UMiami, Wahington University in St. Louis, and a spot on the waitlist at Richmond! My parents really wanted me to go the more prestigious route w/ Vandy (their alma matter) but I really don’t know what path I’m headed on academically, so i was looking for a bigger, more general school like alabama (general in the respect that I’m not tied down to any one school) plus Vandy doesn’t have a business school and that’s what i’ll most likely end up majoring in. I would love to go to any of those aforementioned schools for graduate school, but I want a big school like Bama for undergraduate. Plus, I’ll be on full ride to the honor’s college so that doesn’t hurt either!</p>

<p>Congrats and welcome. Full ride or full tuition?</p>

<p>DS passed on Northeastern, RPI, CU Boulder, UCSD trying to think where else… he was wait listed at a few places too, GT, Carnegie Mellon… </p>

<p>DH and I insisted that he go to visit UA (only visit, no other pressure) when they offered him the presidential. By the end of the general tour he insisted I cancel the other college visits planned and buy him an A tshirt. By evening he had fallen in love and we paid the freshman deposit. The next day we toured engineering, met with a number of students and a professor and went for an interview with an Honors college staff member. We insisted he wait a week or two before telling anyone in case he changed his mind but he hasn’t.</p>

<p>We were very surprised that he fell in love with Alabama, it is quite different in many ways from what he said he wanted (big vibrant city, high tech buildings with glass and steel, very techy with lots of state of the art ‘toys’). We live in So Cal and have visited a lot of colleges when we were out of town for sporting events or vacation. Every place he went there was something wrong with it. I was starting to despair a little. We met a number of OoS students at UA and asked them why UA. They all said the same thing, they offered us money so we came and looked and fell in love with the place and the people.</p>

<p>^^^^^, Congrats momtaxi DS, ROLL TIDE!</p>