Other college acceptances?

<p>What other colleges that have accepted you have you rejected or will you reject to go to UA?</p>

<p>My kid has rejected Georgia (accepted with 9k in scholarship money) and Florida State when he hears back from them in a few weeks. Only other consideration is Vanderbilt which he will not hear from until March but I’m 99% sure he is bama bound especially with the presidential scholarship secured.</p>

<p>My D’13 has also been accepted USF, Stetson, FAU…waiting on Rollins, Northeastern, UMiami, UnC-W</p>

<p>Last year, D chose Alabama instead of WashU in St. Louis, Northeastern, NYU, or Carnegie Mellon. She is very, very happy. And I must admit that our wallet is very happy as well! :)</p>

<p>My D applied last year (current freshman). She wanted a large state flagship, and applied to Alabama, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. She got into all of them and the order in which I listed them was, I think, her ultimate order of preference. Choosing between the top two was very difficult for her (she liked Alabama best but was concerned about going 12 hours from home to a climate she wasn’t used to), but she is very, very happy with her choice.</p>

<p>That’s really good to hear, beth’s mom! Our D’s public school list looks very similar. She has received acceptances from Alabama, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa so far. </p>

<p>D put applications in to HYP and GT just to try, but I really think she wants to be at Alabama. Over 100 kids from her HS go to Madison each year (about 20% of the class), and she just wants to strike out in a new direction. And I think her temperment is more suited to a big school, and UA fits that bill.</p>

<p>The long distance from home may become an issue as we get closer to decision date, but so far she isn’t worried about that (although I am a little).</p>

<p>^^^Yes, distance from home does wind up coming into play as you get into the spring of senior year. Although they may say now they want to spread their wings, make sure they do apply to some nearby schools, hopefully, before scholarship deadlines, so they have a good school to fall back on that’s not far from home. Worst case scenario, they’ be going to Grade 13 at their local state flagship, which sometimes isn’t a bad thing, but, in our case, would have been miserable for son.</p>

<p>Son turned down substantial scholarship offers from the University of Southern California, Boston University, and Barrett Honors College (Arizona State) to accept the NMF package at 'Bama. He’d had his heart set on USC but within months of his arrival he stated that coming to UA was the best decision ever.</p>

<p>Distance (about 4,400 flight miles from home) has been a non-issue for us and him.</p>

<p>Last year my S (current freshman) turned down Georgia Tech (really didn’t like the proximity to Atlanta), Rose-Hulman (was far, far too close to home for him), and our close 2nd choice of Purdue (but they didn’t give him ANY merit money).</p>

<p>He got deferred EA by MIT, but then rejected during regular admissions that’s probably the only school he would have chosen instead.</p>

<p>Our S 12’ rejected Duke and UNC (out of state) and is thrilled with his Alabama choice. Couldn’t ask for a better experience!</p>

<p>Pitt (full tuition scholarship), tOSU, Minnesota, and UAH so far. No rejections YET. S probably won’t make a decision until spring once all acceptances and financials are in.</p>

<p>As for the distance from home, my son was EAGER about heading 500 miles away until the night before he left and was saying goodbye to all his friends. He was in tears that night and suddenly having second thoughts (just a liittle too late!), but I told him that although his friends were going to be closer to home they were all going off to different schools and that being at home was never going to be the same.</p>

<p>The first couple months he went through homesickness and the hardest part for him was hearing from friends who got to come home for weekends or special events and he was just too far away.</p>

<p>But as time as passed and he has come home a few times (fall break and Thanksgiving) and has adjusted to life on campus, I think he’s glad he made the decision to go as far away as he did.</p>

<p>S 12’ decided on Bama over Vandy, GT and UT Knoxville. Had solid merit offers from all but GT (which is not know for OOS merit). In the end the opportunities for real research at Bama was the final dedciding factor (along with the NMF offer).</p>

<p>His initial list was somewhere with solid medical research, a big time football program (band kid) and financials. Bama offered and has delivered on all three in spades. He is already involved in research and has a paid internship lined up for the summer, will be marchiing at the BCS Championship game and the NMF package that Bama offers makes financials a non-issue.</p>

<p>He is extremely happy with his decision as are momma and I.</p>

<p>Roll Tide !!</p>

<p>Our freshman D was accepted to Duke, Vanderbilt, and several in-state public and private schools. She chose UA and is extremely happy with her decision. My wife and I are happy as well. She is staying extremely busy with all of the opportunities the school has to offer, but she’s really enjoying herself, and that it very important to us. The scholarships were a blessing to us at this point in our lives. It really is a pretty amazing place. :)</p>

<p>Daughter, who is currently a Freshman, turned down the University of Oregon (which offered some $), Florida State University and the University of Texas, to attend Bama. She only applied to the four schools and Bama was her top choice. I required her to apply to UT but she absolutely did not want to stay in Texas. I thought that she might change her mind and want to be closer to home at the last minute (come May) but that never happened.</p>

<p>My DD was accepted to Bama, ole miss and Baylor. Baylor acceptance came in the mail this week and had a $35K scholarship offer. She states she only turned in an app to Baylor because it was free to do so. Her other top choices she has not submitted all info they need. She now says she does not want to as she is VERY HAPPY w/ her Bama acceptance and has her heart set on going there. We were shocked w/ the merit offer from Baylor as they are pretty stingy when it comes to giving out funds. My sis is a Baylor alum and my mother thinks she should go there no matter what. </p>

<p>DD has no interest in even remotely going to Baylor. Her reasons are it is too close to home and too many people from Big D going there. The distance is not going to bother her at all. A huge percentage of her friends from high school are heading to Texas A&M this next year. A large amount also head to Texas Tech. She had no desire to even consider those schools. Being that I am a life long Texas fan I was NOT going to allow her to even consider A&M, lol ;)</p>

<p>Her other choices she was heavily considering that were ahead of Bama when all of this started are Pepperdine, UCLA and Stanford. She still thinks she is going to go ahead and just submit just to see and won’t have any regrets later or wonder forever if she would have gotten accepted to those schools. We have visited every school and she feel in madly in love with Bama when we visited in October. Being there on game day and going to a game pretty much sealed the deal. That and every single person she meet and spoke to was VERY friendly. She just liked the whole feel of the campus and the vibe. We are VERY happy. So happy that my dining room has a white BAMA themed Christmas tree (to match the already crimson walls), houndstooth and crimson table runner, placemats and napkins. </p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Aero-Eng’g S (current Fr @ UA) decided against Michigan Tech, Iowa State, and Purdue. He got varying (but substantial) amounts of money offered from each. PM me if anyone is interested in aero specifically and wants to know details about his choice.</p>

<p>Last year D turned down UPitt, Northeastern, U of S. Florida, Evansville, all with full rides, merit and financial aid. She didn’t complete Vandy, Northwestern, or Yale applications because she knew Bama was for her, although she kind of regretted not knowing if she would have been accepted in the spring.</p>

<p>Hi aeromom,</p>

<p>I apologize for replying directly rather than PMing you; i do not have 15 posts yet.</p>

<p>I intend on majoring in aerospace, it’s absolutely awesome!</p>

<p>Right now I know very little about UA’s engineering program, research opportunities, and facilities. I also live right next to the University of Washington which has a top 20 engineering program. </p>

<p>My question is: what exactly was it about UA that appealed so much to your son? I plan on visiting either on Capstone Scholars day or University Day. I am very curious to know the details regarding your son’s choice!</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I am a high school senior by the way =p</p>

<p>speedyguy, </p>

<p>It is nice to see someone from my home state (FWIW, there are around 18 Washingtonians at UA.) I’m not an engineering major (which surprises some people), but am very familiar with the differences between UA and the UDub. </p>

<p>Best of luck with your college search and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>In terms of schools I declined in favor of UA, I applied to the University of Washington ($0 in scholarships), a regional state university near the Canadian border, a Jesuit and a Catholic university, Pitt (full tuition), and U South Carolina (instate tuition plus $4,000). I didn’t apply to any schools that used the CSS Profile.</p>