<p>I'm trying to make a list of colleges to apply to next year, and I'm wondering if anyone on CC can help me. </p>
<p>here are my stats..</p>
<p>Gender: Female
Prospective Major: Biology/Chemistry/Business (two of the three)
GPA: 3.5-3.6 unweighted major upward grade trend I had a 3.95 average junior year..I had some medical problems in my freshman and sophmore years which hurt my grades a lot
ACT: 30 (super-scored) highest composite score is a 28
SAT: 660M 650CR 650W
High School: Sends many students to top colleges
EC's: I won't bore you with a laundry list, but they're pretty average
I'll just hit the highlights
2 years on crew team, JV (9th and 10th grade) I had to quit at the end of my sophmore year due to an injury
part-time job at department store..10/06-present 20 hours a week
school choir
club officer
AP's: English Language and Composition-4 </p>
<p>some schools I have been thinking about are..</p>
<p>reaches: Lehigh (huge reach, I know!), Lafayette (more realistic)
matches: SUNY Geneseo, University of Vermont, Muhlenberg College, Providence College
safties: Susquehanna, University of Scranton, Farfield University</p>
<p>am I looking at the right schools, are they realistic?
What are some other schools I should look at?
I want a mid sized school (3,000-6,000 students give or take) with a rural/suburban campus and a strong science program. </p>
<p>Thanks so much!!</p>