What schools should I try for?

<p>I'm a white male junior from a large (terrible) public school in Texas that is lucky to send one kid to an Ivy League school yearly, most students go to prison. Okay, maybe not most, but a significant amount. Here are my stats.</p>

<p>GPA: I don't know yet, but my average grade is about 97 in all advanced courses, with my lowest being like a 95 in freshman english.</p>

<p>Class Rank: Top 2%</p>

<p>PSAT: 219 (74 CR, 75 Math, 70 Writing) (My SAT will be a little better, I didn't study for my PSAT, but I am for SAT!)</p>

<p>AP Classes: This year: AB Calculus (my school doesn't offer BC), US History, English III (Language), Statistics, and Biology.
Next year: English IV (Literature), Government, Microeconomics, Spanish, Psychology, Human Geography, and Physics.
That's every AP class at my school minus German, French, and Art.
For the sake of chancing me, assume I make all fours and fives =]</p>

<p>EC's: Yearbook (Photo Editor now, Business Editor-in-Chief next year)
Theatre (Actor/Backstage, some moderately large roles)
Key Club (Public Relations Officer now, Vice-President next year)
Local Youth Council (Volunteer Liason, under city council)
Interact (Member (with honors) now, some officer position next year I hope)
Student Emergency Response Team (Member)
Science Club (Member)</p>

<p>Honor Socieities: NHS, Spanish Honor Society, Math Honor Society (That's everything at my school)</p>

<p>Community Service: A moderate amount, with Key Club and Interact, at local schools and with the city</p>

<p>Essay: About how my school is going down the drain, and how I've gotten involved with the school board and city council to change it for future generations. Also, how I've made statements through yearbook (my selling point EC) as a form of "passive resistance." And what this has taught me about local politics, economics, and how to make a difference while working with the system.</p>

<p>I'm hopefully majoring in Business/Economics, any idea what schools I should target? Reach? Safety?</p>