<p>Currently a Junior</p>
<p>SAT I: Math:800 Reading:740 Writing: 770 Total:2310
SAT II: I haven't taken these yet. Which do you suggest? I'm strongest in writing and Math</p>
<p>GPA: 4.2
RANK: Top 5%
- AP Lang & Comp
- Spanish 3 (went to a school which offer high school credits in Spanish in middle school)
- AP US History
- AP Psychology</p>
<li>AP Calculus AB
The last three I am taking at a "Governor's School" (a magnet school) and the non-AP Chemistry is the highest level Science available to me.</li>
<p>MAJOR AWARDS: none, but I'm planning to enter a local writing contest. I live in a town of 800 inhabitants, so there isn't many possibilities.</p>
- Sorry to make a long list but here are my EC's that I'm not an Officer in (or might less important?): Chess club, Student Newspaper, FBLA, Key Club
Literary Magazine:joint-editor in chief
- Hiked 90 miles at Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in Colarado and New Mexico (Philmont is a Boy Scout High Adventure Base)
- Debate Team
- Technology Students Association:Historian and Reporter
- Boy Scouts- Senior Patrol Leader(highest youth position), Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Instructor, Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Scribe
- Eagle Scout with challenging service project involving $5,000 in fundraising
- Member of the Order of the Arrow- Scouting's Honor Society
- Forensics Team
- National Honor Society:service Club- 45 hours/semester, also involves tutoring other students in Math
- Travelling : Two extensive trips thrugh Ireland
- Science Fair First place in my category 5 times, Second once at school level, always second or third art regional level
- Went to Global Competition Level in Destination Imagination (Team writes, performs play) in Middle School received 1st place at State competition level -Does this matter at all?</p>
<p>VOLUNTEER/COMMUNITY: about 170 hours now (and rising) goal of 300ish hours</p>
<p>SUMMER JOB: Camp Counselor at one of the Boy Scouts of America's camps (top 2 or 3 in the nation)
-I want to do something very philosophical in writing style</p>
AID: Need financial aid b/c 3 siblings & upper middle class income
Relatives:Parents both have PhD's, Grandfather went to Clarkson(then on par w/ MIT)</p>
<p>Chances and advice please!</p>