What Schools Should They Consider?

<p>Colleges to have our kids consider:</p>

<p>Student 1: AA female, excellent marching band student who wants to continue, over 4.0 average in competitive private school, some leadership, excellent recommendations. Knows she wants a diverse campus (tired of being only AA in her advanced classes and only one of a handful in the school), East Coast (ideally GA up to PA), does not want a small school (i.e. Davidson), comfortable with mid to large size. No idea what she will mager in but very strong in math and science. Thus far, as a sophomore, Duke, Notre Dame (we are Catholic), Cornell and Naval and Coast Guard Academies have come a callin'. Athletic, fit kid who does not want a 'preppy' school. Where else should she look?</p>

<p>Student 2: AA male, average grades, some leadership. Not an overly hard worker. Wants a very small pond in NC, SC or VA. Kind of an earthy, artsy fartsty kid. Davidson would be IDEAL, but his GPA is not nearly good enough to get in. Good kid, not competitive. Greatest strength is that he is very well liked by peers and teachers and has a welcoming personality. Best activity? Good golfer, great debater. In scouts but making no effort to get to Eagle.</p>

<p>Any thoughts? Both would consider HBCUs. Hampton is on our radar but not sure if it is challenging enough for student 1.

<p>Just a few that come to mind:
The girl seems like a stronger student from the types of schools you are already considering, so you might add Johns Hopkins, the University of Virginia, and Spellman to her list. </p>

<p>The boy seem a little less diligent and motivated, though that can certainly change between now and whenever he iapplies to college. He mght consider UNC-Asheville the NC state LAC, which is relatively crunchy and artsy etc etc and Guilford College, a very gentle, private, diverse Quaker school in Greensboro NC. </p>

<p>I actually tried to wrap my brains around what HCBUs might be best for an artsy kid and none that I know are really known for that. Sure a lot of great AA creative types have come from these HBCUs, but no school that I know of has predominantely that sort of atmosphere and student body. Though if you are looking at an HBCU you’d have to consider Howard, which has the advantages of being in a major metro area for the arts.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help. We had not thought about John Hopkins for the girl and Spellman would be worth a look.</p>

<p>For the boy, Guilford is a great idea as is UNC Ash. Like you, I cannot think of any granola types of HBCUs. I did think of Xavier in New Orleans because it is Catholic and we are Catholic.</p>

<p>Thanks very much for taking the time to reply!

<p>How about Morehouse or BCU( Bethune Cookman University) for the boy.</p>