What shall I do?

Hi there! (I’m new to all this so please bear with me, I’m not familiar to all of the rules/expectations you guys have in place.) I am currently a sophomore who’s interested in the UMKC 6 year medical program. Academically, I’m doing pretty average. I’m in the top ten percent of class (near the bottom though). I take all advanced classes. I plan on taking the ACT this summer and am aiming for a 31. I’m involved in debate, DECA, and multiple other clubs. I’ve volunteered at a hospital and am looking to shadow a doctor soon. However, looking at the things other candidates have accomplished, all I’ve done is pretty much nothing. I’ve had older siblings who applied, made it through to the interview, and then got rejected. I feel like my chances of actually getting accepted are pretty low. I was wondering if people that have applied or are looking to apply to the 6-year feel the same way? Should I feel this way? Is the program actually worth it? In addition to being difficult to get into, it’s extremely pricy. Do you guys think it’s worth it?