What should be my target school??

<p>i am currently a junior at a high school in socal,, a very asian community (i'm korean btw)</p>

<p>gpa by the end of junior year:
unweighted: 3.79 weighted: 4.1-ish
(our school has a weird system, so we can't take any ap's freshmen year, only one or two limited sophomore year, and have prerequisites for junior and senior year to take ap courses, so a 4.3 gpa at our school would be considered very high... and we don't rank.)</p>

<p>took all honors freshmen year (no ap's allowed), all honors and 1 ap sophomore year, and all honors (except physics) and 2-3 ap's this year (calculus is college course, not ap), i got 2 b's freshmen year, 6 b's sophomore year, and straight a's junior year. (8 b's total, none junior year)</p>

first time: cr: 600, m: 770, w: 650 = 2020
second time: cr: 630, m: 700, w: 800 = 2130
going to take it one more time in october.</p>

korean: 800
math 2: 800
us history: 730
took physics today: pending (might cancel)</p>

art history: 4
took 4 other ap's this year, scores pending.</p>

<p>i have very strong extracurriculars and leadership, but it's mostly outside of school. i went on a lot of mission trips abroad, got a couple of national level awards, taking courses outside of high school during the summer, did a lot of volunteer services.</p>

<p>i don't have a freshmen second semester grade because i went to korea in the middle, and so i had to make up credits during the summer before sophomore year and couldn't do anything else.</p>

<p>my senior year, i'm taking 5 ap's and 1 honors plus pe for my pe credit.</p>

<p>i want to major in art/architecture area, so i'm preparing a portfolio for that.
my dream school is cornell's human ecology,, and others on my top list are ucla and wash. univ. in st. louis. but what do you think of that??</p>

<p>sorry for making it so long!! & thank you for reading over it (:</p>