what should I aim for?!

<p>I am a Mexican born student in Minnesota.
I have a 3.54 gpa; got a 29 on the act; i am in all honors and a.p. classes; play football, used to wrestle, track, and i cc ski; i have a summer job; and i am in popsingers and deca.
What are the best schools that i could aim for?</p>

<p>Aim for the top, don't live with regrets. I wanted to go for just HYP but I got waitlisted at all three. If I had only applied there, I wouldn't have gotten into Duke, Columbia, and Dartmouth. Those are great schools and I'm glad to have those options. If you don't apply to those you might regret it later.</p>

<p>monroylobo is right, dont limit yourself to anything. Apply for the schools that appeal to you and to those that you might even think are a stretch, you lose nothing in trying. I got into Pomona college, my dream school, which i thought was kind of a stretch but hey i got in! You never know...the worst feeling is "what if..."</p>


<p>Applying to an uber reach or two is not a problem, as long as your list includes sufficient safety and match schools as well.</p>

<p>I know it might seem excessive, but given that admissions has become a crapshoot at top 20 colleges, I figured I'd increase my chances by applying to multiple ones. I did so and got wait listed at Brown while getting into higher ranked Duke and Columbia. It depends on what you want out of a school. Make sure you'd be happy at any school you apply to and make sure it is a possibility to attend at least one school you do like (safety).</p>

<p>I absolutely agree that you shouldn't limit yourself. And with your course rigor and extra curriculars, combined with being a male URM, you probably would have a decent shot. But your ACT and unweighted GPA are a little low for those tippy-top schools, so make sure you have non-Ivy safeties and matches that you love, too. :D Best of luck!</p>