what should i do junior and senior year?

<p>I have problem. I am a rising sophmore and i have been trying to plan out my high school schedule. The thing is, I really like science and during junior and senior year, I have more periods to take extra science classes.</p>

<p>Well, at our school, we have a forensic science class that counts as an elective, but is 2 periods long. I really want to take this course because it is a personal interest and also because it could be a possible career choice for me in the future. </p>

<p>The problem is, I also want to take AP Bio, Physiology/Anatomy, AP Chem, Marine Biology, and possibly AP Physics</p>

<p>There is a forensic science 1 and 2 and if I choose to take that course, I want to follow through with and take it both junior and senior year. </p>

<p>If I take forensic science, I can still have take a science course junior year and one senior year.</p>

<p>Sorry, if this seems confusing. I don't know what to do. If i take forensic science, I will be missing out on a lot of AP classes and I don't know if it is worth it. What do colleges prefer?
Do you think I am worrying about this too soon?</p>

<p>If you really want it, take it! Just know that you can only take 2 of thoseother sciences. If you’re going into Forensic Science for the future, then I recommend Anatomy/Phys. and AP Bio.</p>

<p>Yes, you are worrying about it too soon but I started thinking about my schedule for junior year 3 days after my sophomore year started so don’t sweat</p>