What should I do Senior year in high school?

<p>Everyone always says Senior year is slack and blah blah. But I don't think so. What should I do senior year when it comes to taking classes.</p>

<p>I'm thinking taking</p>

<p>Honors Pre-Cal
AP English Literature
Honors Economics
Honors Physics
Honors Elective Class.</p>

<p>Do those sound good and will those increase my chances to get accepted into a college of my liking.</p>

<p>So far, in junior year I have a 4.0 Weighted and 3.0 Unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>Try going beyond precalc..
Calculus AB/BC
if your school gives any.</p>

<p>You might not be able to do this if your school doesnt go by block scheduling though</p>

<p>As a current senior who has survived managing mostly good grades and doing college application for the past semester, senior year shouldn't be the year to slack off, in my opinion. Especially if you want to get into good colleges that are getting more competitive each year. Senioritis will get to you eventually (I'm already starting to feel its symptoms, but I'm fighting them off), but colleges still want to see that you're showing your best effort and working hard. When it comes to selecting classes your senior year, I truly suggest taking classes that not only are challenging, but interesting to you (and yes, taking the courses that you're thinking of can increase your chances, if you also manage to get good grades). For example, when I was choosing what courses to take my senior year, the only APs that were available to me were AP French Language and AP Chemistry (it's hard for students to get into AP/honors classes in my school; its a real complicated procedure...). I was thinking of taking both, but after giving much thought to it, I decided to take just AP French over AP Chem because I was really interested in developing my French skills. I also decided not to take AP Chem because it had nothing to do with what I wanted to major in college (Film Studies/Production) and I didn't want to force myself through a class that I wasn't intrigued by. If you believe that you want to take the courses that you're thinking of, are interested in them and can handle the courseload, then go for it! Just realize its going to be challenging, especially when you'll be working on college apps in the fall, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to handle it. Good luck choosing your senior course load! :)</p>

<p>try to take more AP's. I went from having 2 AP's last year to having 5 this year, it looks really good to schools to see you trying to balance out the hardest classes, but choose the one's you like! Lucky for me I love all my classes! Just make sure you know you'll do well bc your gpa is a little low but I'm sure you can get it up! :)</p>

<p>Yeah I'm not going to take slack classes, I want to take classes that are challenging as they will increase my chances. But colleges will only get to see my 1st semester classes of senior year right? </p>


<p>Don't take slack classes. As a Senior I have to say that even with hard classes I'm still bored adn have time to do other stuff. Saddly my school doesn't offer Ap or Honors classes but I take the best class they offer and it's not too bad time wise. The Senioritis sucks though. Also I have a job and still have plenty of time for the million ECs I do. lol. adn a lil down time.</p>

<p>Well if your classes aren't slack classes then they will probably be year-long, right? So even if they don't see your second-semester classes (which they do), they should be the same as your first-semester ones. Colleges see the classes you plan to take senior year, not just first semester of senior year, and if you change them for any reason after you've applied, you have to let them know about it, or that's grounds to rescind admission.</p>

<p>Ahh I see guys, thanks everyone, I got my answer and will take challenging classes next year(as I had in mind and planned on anyways) Thanks!</p>

<p>make sure you also do well in these classes because some schools ask for a midyear report that affects thier decision</p>

<p>Here's what I'll be taking
AP English Lit
AP Gov.
AP World History
Anatomy Honors
Spanish 3 Honors
Pre-Cal Honors</p>

<p>Junior Year GPA: W: 3.6 UW: 2.8</p>

<p>Will the gpa i currently have and the classes I have strengthen up my chances of getting accepted into more colleges? Like WVU, would I have a lock at WVU?</p>


<p>How do you get a 3.6 W from a 2.8 UW. What calculation do they use for the weighted GPA?</p>

<p>That's what my counselor had told me. but i checked it again and it's</p>

<p>UW: 2.83
W: 3.66</p>

<p>Will the gpa i currently have and the classes I have strengthen up my chances of getting accepted into more colleges? Like WVU, would I have a lock at WVU?</p>

<p>Am a current junior and I want to go to one of the following: University of NC Charlotte, High Point University, and the University of NC Greensboro. I possibly want to major into Biology with pre-med requirements.
Am a Hispanic and I am involved with 6 Clubs (Spanish Club, Student Council, FCA, KARE, HOSA, Interact) I was in band for my freshman, sophomore, and first semester of junior year. (hoping it doesn’t look bad on me because I quit). Also plan to have a summer job.
My GPA is a 3.3 unweighted and 3.99 weighted am 29 out of 224…I plan to do some volunteer service over the summer.
I have take one A.P class and that was US History
And my SAT/ACT scores where really pittyful so am going to retake them soon </p>

<p>My senior year:
AP. Literature and Compesition
AP. Biology
Nursing Fundamentals (NF) possibly am not sure if I want to take the internship (non honors)
Spamish 3 honors
**possibly AP Cal/AB am not sure between that or NF </p>

<p>I have questions

  1. how good do my “statistics” look? <em>I really need a GOOD scholarship</em>
  2. am not sure what classes too chose whether Cal of NF?
  3. will it look bad on me for quitting band?</p>

<p>And feel free to add anything else</p>

<p>The best thing both anyone can do is to get the highest unweighted GPA possible, the best scores possible on the SAT and solid recommendations.</p>

<p>You need to do what it takes to do that. Look at the universities you want to,attend and see what their freshman class profiles look like compared to yours.</p>

<p>If you take a bunch of AP classes and don’t do well, it won’t help you. On the other hand, you may want to see how college ready you are by challenging yourself. If the workload takes away from SAT prep and you bomb, you aren’t helping yourself.</p>

<p>Finally, seek leadership in your ECs. That will always help. Again, not at the expense of your GPA or standardized tests.</p>

<p>When do we start applying for everything and filing fafsa?</p>

<p>What do you want to do with your life in the future? Take courses that will challenge you because it will help you in college and also allow you to test out of classes, but also focus on the course that interest you the most and are going to be applicable towards your major in the future SERIOUSLY… So you will excel in college and have a high GPA.</p>

Freshman year:

  1. Honors Biology
  2. Honors Intro Lit/Comp
  3. Honors Algebra 2
  4. Spanish 1
  5. Web Design
  6. PE

Sophomore year:

  1. AP European History
  2. Honors World Literature
  3. Honors Chemistry
  4. Spanish 2
  5. Honors Pre-Calculus
  6. Weight Training

Junior year: Currently taking

  1. AP US History
  2. AP Language & Composition
  3. AP Calculus AB
  4. Anatomy & Physiology
  5. AP Art History
  6. Psychology/Sociology

Senior year: Any advice about the courses I signed up for?
-AP Calculus BC
-AP Chemistry
-AP English Literature
-Honors Spanish 3
-Art Design 1/2