<p>highschoolda I doubt that, you could be pulling that number out any where.</p>
<p>According to LAUSD website the MEDIAN teacher salary is 55,682, which while lower than Elk Grove 70+K, isn't as bad as your 43.</p>
<p>43K is the average salary for a teacher w/ a bachelors degreee. </p>
<p>Here is the most recent salary schedule
<a href="http://certificated.lausd.k12.ca.us/Research/documents/TTableAnnual.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://certificated.lausd.k12.ca.us/Research/documents/TTableAnnual.pdf</a></p>
<p>A teacher who is starting even w/ a masters will earn 42K w/ about 42 units of grad school. </p>
<p>Can u buy a house and car w/ that kind of money? Considering a decent house costs at least 700K and car 24 K.</p>
<p>Is that enticing? Do feel that u deserve more considering u spent 5-6 years in school? </p>
<p>Is that going to make u want to become a teacher?</p>
<p>I'd asnwer w/ a no, no, no, no, and no</p>
<p>THAT STAT I listed is for 2003-2004 the latest one.</p>
<p>my argument is based on a different stat, the salary for a first year teacher w/ a masters which is 42k.</p>
<p>I provided u w/ the salary schedule for a 2004-2005 year.</p>
<p>U think it's a fair starting salary and u can live well of that. Fine. Most people don't. Thats why there is a huge shortage of teachers, quality ones. Espcially science and math</p>
<p>U can't understand that. i can't do anythng for u.</p>
<p>highschoolda you have no idea what you are talking about, most people can live off 42K in California. Also you are talking about starting salary I am talking about Median over all salary for all teachers. I am done with this thread all you people do is talk about your opinion and try to claim it as fact. I won't be reading this thread any more, since I know the facts and it clear you don't.</p>
<p>VTboy, I don't what part of california you live in but 42k won't get you very far in most areas of the state. california (especially the sf bay area and the greater la area) is becoming a very expensive place to live. for example, if you were making 50K in austin(tx), you would need 76K to have the same buying power if you moved to san jose (ca). i live in the bay area, and im finding that a lot of my teachers are moving away b/c they cant afford to live in the area. we are losing teachers fast--and many of them are great, inspirational ones too. perhaps you get by w/ 42K in the mojave desert though...</p>
<a href="http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/CareerBriefs/costliv.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/CareerBriefs/costliv.html</a></p>
<p>yep welcome to reality. </p>
<p>If i go to college for this long, i want a good life. I want to be able to buy my kids a house and drive a half decent car.</p>
<p>Can't do that of 42 K.</p>
<p>Hell it costs around 1,800 to rent a 2 bedroom Apt in the la area. </p>
<p>42 K is roughly 3,600 a month.</p>
<p>U can live off that, but u want better and u deserve better after the hard years in school. </p>
<p>BTW, i don't care if u read this thread. I'd actually rather u not. </p>
<p>I provided 2 salary schedules for people who reside in the la area and are considering becoming educators. PLease look at them b4 u make the decision.</p>
<p>well said, highschoolda. that is the unfortunate truth. it is a pity that we are treating the people who are responsible for educating our future like such crap...</p>
<p>Contrary to popular beleif the california k-12 is no golden jewel. Infact the state that once boasted the top educational system in the country now boasts one of the worsts. If you ask most teachers that have been around long enough they'll tell you that its been a down hill slide since the 70's when the republicans really started raping them with budget cuts. contrary to most popular belief the school systems are not like they are in san diego, pasedena, irvine, san ramon, etc. most school systems in the state are long the lines of Elk Grove which means they are pretty crummy. aND Elk grove is a cow town turned suburban sprawlhell due to increased population south of sacramento.</p>