What should I do?

<p>I was expelled from a local band camp during the summer after my freshman year (Disrupting behavior, you could say). I’m not listing that I was ever involved with the program, and I haven’t had any other disciplinary problems. I don’t think it went on my permanent record, but then again, I don’t know what’s put on my record. Should I put this incident down on my application and explain it? Or, because of how small it is and since I won’t be mentioning it, should I bother?</p>

<p>you have a right to see your record. you usually have to fill something out and it takes a bit of time but i would do that and pronto.</p>

<p>you're so silly... it's not on your record</p>

<p>How is a local camp going to stamp a mark on some mystery permanent record?</p>

<p>Your permanent record is not all that different than transcripts + state test scores, and it's only school related material that gets placed there. No one outside of your district touches that.</p>

<p>Do you think a local band camp is going to put something on the only other record you have? Your criminal record? lol.</p>

<p>Relax, you're freaking out over nothing.</p>

<p>this is why i love CC</p>

<p>i think you should leave the country</p>

<p>at this point your whole future is ruined</p>

<p>i agree with Ann Onymous, rofl!</p>

<p>haha, thanks everyone for making me look like a paranoid freak...which I probably deserve. I feel completely fine now.</p>