What should I do?

<p>I was expelled from a local band camp during the summer after my freshman year (Disrupting behavior, you could say). I'm not listing that I was ever involved with the program, and I haven't had any other disciplinary problems. I don't think it went on my permanent record, but then again, I don't know what's put on my record. Should I put this incident down on my application and explain it? Or, because of how small it is and since I won't be mentioning it, should I bother?</p>

<p>As long as the local band camp is not in any way directly tied to your high school, I really do not see how it would ever show up on your records. So I would advise just to not mention it. But do tell how exactly you got expelled from a band camp lol.</p>

I was expelled from a local band camp during the summer after my freshman year (Disrupting behavior, you could say).


<p>"This one time, at band camp..." :-P</p>

<p>Haha I know, I know. It's horrible. </p>

<p>I had put a bit of a "show" you could say (with leather boots) in front of a couple hundred students and teachers during dinner. They expelled me because I "grabbed my crotch". Hm. Anyways, I was an idiot, but it was fun :)</p>


<p>definitely dont mention it at all on your app</p>

<p>all things considered, probably worthwhile just for the story.</p>

all things considered, probably worthwhile just for the story.


<p>This is the kind of story that's great for a college interview if you get the right interviewer and you can play it well. But it might be hard to put in writing.</p>

<p>i dont know where denz and C02 r going with their advice but whatever you do...do NOT mention this on your app....yes maybe it'd be amusing if it is relevant in an interview to be like...loli got kicked out of band camp....but seriously do NOT mention it in your app because chances are it won't come off well and will not be well received</p>

<p>oh hell, of course don't mention it on your app. i'm saying that in GENERAL, it's probably a funny story you can tell. And given the camp must have a stick pretty far up its butt, I imagine it's no great loss to have been booted anyway.</p>

<p>Oh definitely not a great loss at all. If I mention the experience in an interview, won't he/she be suspicious as to why I'm not putting it on my app? Will the interviewer have any way of informing the college? </p>

<p>Hi, I'm paranoid..</p>

<p>Um, just don't mention it at all. Is the subject absolutely unavoidable?</p>

Oh definitely not a great loss at all. If I mention the experience in an interview, won't he/she be suspicious as to why I'm not putting it on my app? Will the interviewer have any way of informing the college?


<p>A lot of stuff comes up in interviews that isn't in your app. That's half the point of interviews.</p>

<p>the question you need answered is whether or not it is on your transcript (I assume that you didn't get a teacher rec from someone who knew about the incident). You have the right to ask for an official copy of your transcript -- so go to the school office and check. That will answer your question. If it isn't mentioned, don't bring it up.</p>