what should i do?

<p>So i got on the comp excited to c my SAT scores this morning cuz i came out of the test thinking i did well...n then i looked at my scores n i got a 2020, only 10 pts higher than my nov 2007 sat scores!!:( i had studied a ton over the summer n beginning of the yr n was getting 2100-mid 2200 scores..should i get my test rescored??? i just feel soo depressed right now cuz i was expecting much better than wat i got...it makes no sense to me :(</p>

<p>wat do u think?</p>

<p>I guess you could get it rescored, but I personally wouldn't spend that money to do it. I would only rescore if you totally bombed it (i mean like 1700 or below). Maybe you just got nervous? Sometimes I think I do well on tests, but I don't.</p>

<p>Anyway, don't stress about it. If you can, take it again. If not, don't worry about it. You'll still get into a good school.</p>