What should I do??

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm getting worried. I finally recently decided to transfer out of my current school and start applying in January for other schools (semester Fall '09). Problem is, I realized that I would need letters of recommendations for the schools I'm applying to. Well...I'm going to be honest - this semester I was more focused on adapting to school with things such as time management, trying to make friends and stuff like that. This completely distracted me from approaching my professors (my classes have like 200+ ppl), so I didn't really get to know any of them.
Of course next semester I'm going to approach my teachers and show effort, but I don't think I have enough time to 'bond' with them to be comfortable enough to ask them for a LoR by the time I have to apply...</p>

<p>If you are required to have a recommendation from a current teacher, pick the one with your highest grade and go see the prof and explain the situation and ask for his or her advice on how to handle it. It can’t hurt to ask.</p>

<p>And also a suggestion for future: plan ahead! And stop seeking excuses for something you did not do well enough. 200+ people should not be a problem if you can stand out and be proactive in the class, just because you still have some space to improve. good luck!</p>