What should I say I have created?

<p>I am unsure what to put for the optional Tell us about something you have created question. I am considering writing about this crazy idea I have that one day I will invent a liquid clock, as in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory. My only concern with this is that, although the question gives "idea" as an example of something you could write about, is it really a creation? And b), I didn't come up with the idea completely by myself: I was inspired by the painting.</p>

<p>Anyway, I have brainstormed a list of a bunch of other things I have created. A couple are serious, but some are not:</p>

<p>Things I have created:</p>

<li>sky fort in backyard (well-fortified and extremely awesome)</li>
<li>chicken fried steak (****ing delicious; not my recipe though)</li>
<li>toothpick bridge for physics (best in class, despite my expectations)</li>
<li>that one story I wrote (didn't win NCTE award, but I thought it was darn good; philosophical and full of allusions and stuff)</li>
<li>idea for a novel I'll never write (I thought it was a good idea at the time, and maybe it still is..)</li>
<li>liquid clock idea (technically Salvador Dali was the first to think of liquid/melting clocks, but he only painted them. My mad dream is to build one in real life.)</li>
<li>calculator games (space fighter, pacman...) (already wrote about this in one of the essays, but could elaborate on one game in particular I guess, even though theres not much to tell)</li>
<li>database-driven ecommerce store (never technically finished this, but what I did do can be made to sound quite impressive, although this (or rather, a particular experience in the making of this) was the topic of my main essay)</li>
<li>website for rotary contest (the site itself that was created isnt particularly impressive, only the fact that my team won the contest is)</li>
<li>tic tac toe game (kinda lame actually, but the only computer game I have ever actually created)</li>
<li>cylon jack-o-lantern (I didnt come up with this, only followed circuit board schematics online, and I had help)</li>
<li>disposable camera stun gun (followed online instructions again, and it never worked properly, although it did hurt a lot when I accidentally shocked myself)</li>
<li>half of a Lego trebuchet (I built the Lego half, but was too lazy to get string and stuff to make the sling; also, I only followed online instructions)</li>
<li>Beowulf video (filmed the dragon fight in Halo 3; audio/voices needed work, but for the most part people seemed to think it was epic)</li>
<li>pottery thing in art class (8th grade; not really much to say about this, I'm not even particularly proud of it, but it is a creation)</li>
<li>a monstrously messy desk (not a creation in the traditional sense, but still.. maybe it expresses my creativity because I am too creative to be organized, and because it's a creative response to the question?)</li>
<li>container for collection/measurement of soil-emmited radon gas (at summer job as research assistant; technically I didn't come up with the design for the thing, my supervisor did, but I was the one who actually threw it together from spare parts in the lab)</li>
<li>killer sound system installed in school locker (a much better use of the space than storing books)</li>
<li>this list (if you want to get even more self referrential and smart-alecky)</li>


<p>The liquid clock idea sounds nice... But the camera stun gun is kinda quirky! :D</p>

<p>Tell us more about your locker-size sound system! My locker at school could really use some love like that.</p>

<p>i vote sound system - and yeah i want one =]</p>

<p>Sky fort. 314159%. Also, suggest to build one somewhere on campus (and strongly suggest on top of the Great Dome).</p>

<p>You can write about an idea. I wrote about mathematical equations predicting the future for this essay. Guess where I am now? =P.</p>