<p>I've heard that west of Veteran is where to search... but does anyone have any recommended, cheap(er) areas to look for a studio apartment? Cross streets would be helpful.</p>
<p>I've heard that west of Veteran is where to search... but does anyone have any recommended, cheap(er) areas to look for a studio apartment? Cross streets would be helpful.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind South of Wilshire, which means a short shuttle commute (not really walkable but considerably cheaper) try streets like Ashton, Wellworth, Ohio, Massachusetts that intersect with Veteran, Gayley, Kelton, Glendon, Westwood.</p>
<p>Thanks namaste! Will check it out. And yea, I don’t mind hoping on a bus. I already ride the Metro Rapid bus daily for 15 miles. I’m just hoping to find an apartment within 5 miles distance to campus.</p>
<p>Geez, everything is so damn expensive!</p>
<p>What do you recommend for someone that’s coming from out of state?</p>
<p>anything around ucla is expensive. you can live in the palms/mar vista area where the big blue bus runs straight to ucla. its the cheapest area thats a reasonable distance to campus. maybe 15-20 minute busride</p>
<p>Housing is such a terrible problem for someone on a student’s budget in Westwood. Did you check the Daily Bruin newspaper to see if you can find a roommate who has an apartment? I don’t recommend living in palms/mar vista. It is really removed from UCLA and not such a nice area. Did you try the on campus housing office first?</p>