What subject test should future financier take?

<p>I want to become a financier.But i really worry about math subject tests so even if i want to apply to business schools can i just take world history and english as the subject tests?</p>

<p>If the school websites, which you do need to check, do not specify or require math SAT2, certainly you don’t have to take the test.
But putting tests aside, I guess you should reconsider your major before entering if you are not a math person. Finance is all about math.</p>

<p>The problem is I am a math person its just 2 of the colleges that i want to apply to requier math 2(if any math taken)and i really dont think ill do good on that</p>

<p>If they require math 2, but best solution is be confident and get yourself prepared for that.
Plus, shouldn’t it be easier for you to prepare for math to than for other subjects if you are a math person?</p>