What summer research programs are there in NJ?

I know about Waksman and Liberty Science Center’s programs, but what others are out there?

What about reaching out to Rutgers NJ Medical School

“ The Rutgers New Jersey Medical School hosts a number of excellent high school intern research programs, as well as provides opportunities for students to intern with individual faculty.

High School Intern positions are independently arranged by students. A directory of Rutgers, RBHS-NJMS Faculty can be found on the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School website. If interested in a specific high school program, please contact the Program Directors listed below. The procedures and policies must be followed to ensure that all minors receive appropriate instruction and supervision, have parental consent for their activites in an NJMS research laboratory, and that all activities are in compliance with the Rugers, The State University Protection of Minors Program”

At NJIT - Programs for Students | Center for Pre-College Programs and For Students | Research
Also, you can write directly to professors to ask if they are open to hosting an intern. However, this summer may be difficult as many are still remote due to Covid.

This is at Lawrenceville: