what time do you go to bed

<p>On weeknights usually 12-1 AM... on weekends usually 2-3 AM</p>

<p>On weeknights, I go to bed between 10 and 11 PM, and the same usually goes for the weekends. I'm not a very "stay up late" type of person.</p>

<p>Weekdays I'm in bed around 11 pm and wake up at 6:45 am or so. Weekends varies, but I'm usually in bed by 1:30 am and wake up anytime between 10 am and 11:30 am.</p>

<p>im usually asleep before midnight then i wake up at 6:30</p>

<p>You guys are sick, you are degrading your health. lol</p>

<p>what time do you go to bed, turbotw?</p>

<p>I go to bed around 11 or 12, and I wake up somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30. I really don?t have all that much homework; I just waste too much time on the Internet so I usually don?t start until 9 or 10.</p>

<p>I start trying to get myself into bed at 9 and somehow manages to actually get in bed at like 11, get up about 10min before the bus comes and goes to school with an empty stomach and a chocolate bar. Life is crazy, say how many people drive here?</p>

<p>Anywhere from 9:30 to 11:00 on week nights. I usually have little to do on school nights so I just go to bed. Weekends I'm usually up until 3:00 AM or later.</p>

<p>I usually go to bed between 11 and 12.
Wake up between 6-7</p>

<p>always tired tho...lol</p>

<p>On school nights, 11 is super early (well actually, I don't remember the last time I went to bed at 11 on a school night.. 8th grade, possibly?), 12 is early, 1-2 is normal, 3-4 late but not abnormal. It's amazing I don't fall asleep at the wheel in the mornings.</p>

<p>On weekends, doesn't matter what time I sleep, but I'm always up by 8:30-9:00 lol (and not of my own volition).</p>

<p>2-3 usually, sometimes a little earlier or later</p>

<p>sleep? i haven't had a full nights sleep in about 2 years haha</p>

<p>around 12 on weekdays.</p>

<p>usually... I know that its after 1 now....</p>

<p>School nights: 1-2am
Weekends: 12
Night Before AP US Tests: um, never.</p>

<p>I love school.</p>

<p>Around 10 or 11 on school days.
On weekends, around 11 or 12.</p>

<p>I go to bed @ 11 and get up at 7 on schooldays..........is this normal for a freshman?</p>

<p>on weekends, i go bed @ 11 and get up at 9 (same in the summer time)</p>

<p>well, i'm on spring break, so like 2 AM, but usually like 9:30. To hell with homework if it's not done by then. I need my beauty rest. :)</p>

<p>I go to bed around 11 or 12 on weeknights, usually later on weekends and holidays. I get up at 6 on weekdays :( </p>

<p>It's sad that I sleep like this, because I don't have to. I usually don't have that much homework, but I just procrastinate and do it later and later. Next year, I'm going to attempt to beat this habit..... but I doubt I'll be able to.</p>

<p>Yay, post 30 = Junior Member :)</p>

<p>whenever i feel sleepy or when i dont have a lot of hw</p>