what time do you go to bed

<p>you guys.. you think 11-12 is late? how could you think that? i guess i'm just warped. </p>

<p>i've been going to bed at around 2-3 for the past week or so (was on break), and then wakin up at 8 if i wanted to get things done that day. this isn't great, but at least i'm making myself go to bed these days. i used to stay up for 2-4 days straight (i dont do drugs..or caffeine during this time, because of the crash..just water) all the time.. and not because i have a tough schedule (i choose when i go to school..just not open past 1)..i just..procrastinate doing my self-study stuff and whatnot.. i have fun doing it this way. i once tried to give myself a bedtime (12) and i last 2 days. i just dont like it.. it's so constricting and annoying. i like to follow whatever schedule i want for a given day... :)</p>

<p>so what do you guys think is "late"...</p>

<p>and how many hours minimum of sleep do you need before you start to.. get really spaced out and your thoughts are incoherent?</p>


<p>Yesterday was my last day of break.</p>

<p>So I went to sleep at 10, and got up at 3 am. I'm feeling just peachy.</p>

<p>With no sleep and a lot of coffee, I can manage to pull off a normal, semi-coherent day. With 2-4 hours, I can't function very well, regardless of how caffeinated I am -- at that point, I need a nice, warm shower.</p>

<p>I'm all energized right now.. i've got 7 chapters of US Hist that need a full review, 2 that have yet to be touched (need to be complete and prepped for test), 6 chaps of math that need full review, 3 chaps of spanish (12 lessons)... can i do it? i don't know! i need it done by around 9 this morning.. (will take 9 US hist tests, 3 math tests).. and then i have a 3-hour Western Civ class.. what's gonna happen to me? lets take a vote!</p>

<p>a- falls asleep
b-triumphantly completes entire to-do list w/ A's on all tests (what I usually get)
c- completes work but is so spaced that she ends up getting c's/b's on all tests and doesn't retain any info
d- procrastinates on CC all night long</p>

<p>tune in next night to find out! ..or not (we'll see if i procrastinate)</p>

<p>Wow, all you guys are so hardworking and smart. I feel like a slacker going to bed at 10 o'clock and waking up at 7. The only time when I go to bed late is when the wrestling season is in. Then I go to bed at 11:30 sometimes 12 and wake up at 6 o'clock to practice and lift.</p>

<p>I don't sleep. I wait.</p>

<p>Ya rly.</p>

<p>Around 11, wake up at 6:30</p>

<p>Anywhere between 11:30 and 3 on an average school night. On the other hand, I regularly skip my first class of the day, so... ;)</p>

<p>Probably between 10:30 and 12:00...before I was accepted to university I probably averaged around 10:30.</p>

<p>Bedtime is between 11 (earliest night) to 3:30 (latest night so far this year)</p>

<p>Wake up time is 6 am-- I need to be fully functional for my first period chem class.</p>

<p>Weekends-- umm, whenever-- longest amount I've ever slept was 17 hours-- that was when I got 4 hours of sleep for a week straight.</p>

<p>Typically somewhere b/w 2 and 5, and then I'll wake up around 9:45 on MWF and around noon on Tu/Th, same for weekends. Though all-nighters usually pop up on Sunday and Tuesday nights.</p>

<p>i... don't go to bed :P</p>

<p>between 12 and 4 :)</p>

<p>sleep at 2, wake up at 6</p>

<p>but im not studying. just doing random stuff. 4.0 and Duke though. Holla!</p>

<p>Between 11 and 1:30
And wake up at 8:30
Get ready for school in 15 minutes
Arrive school at 9:00</p>

<p>Then I go to sleep at like 4am on weekends and enjoy my longggg weekend sleep..which is like 14 hours long XD</p>

<p>i go to bed extremely early compared to others.. they think im a freak =b</p>

<p>10 latest on weekdays, wake up at 5:30. 12 on weekends.</p>

<p>but hey, i need my sleep!! i woulod never be able to last going to bed at 12 everyday</p>

<p>Around 11 - 11:30 on weekdays.</p>

<p>On weekends, whatever suits my fancy.</p>

<p>tonight I'm going to bed right now :) yay for sleep!</p>

<p>Usually? I have no idea. I just fall asleep unknowingly + unintentionally.</p>

<p>Tonight? Never. Physics test on Wednesday. Made a bet with myself. :P</p>

<p>Wake Up: 645-650 AM</p>

<p>Either 10 or 10:30 pm, usually. And up by 5:30 or 6:00 am for school!</p>

<p>I usually get up at 5 just to take a shower and do some last minute hw. :)
Then catching the bus at 6 !!</p>

<p>sleep 1:30
wake up 6:30</p>