When do you sleep?

<p>I used to go to sleep at around 10:30 but now I usually go to sleep at 12:00.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/592601-when-do-you-typically-go-sleep.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/592601-when-do-you-typically-go-sleep.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>omg you thief.</p>

<p>11:00 - 11:30 pm</p>

<p>10:45 =] …but i wake up at like 5:30</p>

<p>Like 11:30. And I wake up at 5:25. Bleeeh. But I went to bed at 9 last night. Yay!!</p>

<p>1:30 - 4:00</p>

<p>~1:30 - 2:30…wake up at 7. i try not to go past 2:45…</p>

<p>I’ll quote myself from that thread, don’t feel like typing all this again:</p>



<p>Basically: sleep at 8/9pm weekdays, unpredictable on weekends.</p>

<p>My hours are much more consistent than my sleeping time: I sleep 10~12 hours on weekdays, and 12~16 on weekends. Rarely do I change my hours.</p>

<p>weekdays… 11:30-6:40 </p>

<p>weekend… varies… but if i have nothing the next morning 1-10:30-11 </p>

<p>what’s the point of staying up so late on weekdays when you have school the next day? if its because of school work then its not worth it/. if im tired i go to bed even if i have a big test or homework.</p>

<p>I find it hard to believe that you haven’t ever gone to bed after 12 at all.</p>

<p>Normally: 12-6</p>

<p>This week (cold+Nyquil=SLEEEP): 10-6</p>

<p>Weekends: 3-9:30</p>

<p>thats 1 AM</p>

<p>9/10 PM to 6 AM weekdays
10 PM to 10-11 AM weekends/holidays</p>

<p>wow…some of u really have a plenty of sleep. i hate you. lol</p>


I’m pretty sure that’s a reference towards me…</p>

<p>I have went to sleep after 12 a couple times, obviously, but at parties (like birthday or w/e), poker tournaments, gaming, with friends, etc…never for anything academic-work related or anything - it was by choice that I stood up that late for fun.</p>

<p>Other than that I’ve never gotten any less than 8~9 hours of sleep daily unless for entertainment purposes.</p>

<p>And I truly can count the number of days where I’ve slept after 12 on my fingers.</p>

<p>I wake up at 6:15-6:30. This week, I’ve gone to sleep at:</p>

<p>Sunday night ~ 5:30
Monday night ~ never
Tuesday night ~ 3:30
Last night ~ 4:30</p>


<p>The funny thing is, I have about 45 minutes of HW (or less) per day. I just waste all my time lol. :[ It’s horrible.</p>

<p>LOL Poseur, I went to sleep on Tuesday night at 3:30 as well.
My usual take is at 2:00.
And my homework takes less than 2 hours. >_<</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d say 2:00’s about average for me this year. </p>

<p>GOD WE SUCK.</p>

<p>I’d better develop time management skills before college!</p>

<p>…How can you guys be living? It’s a serious question.</p>
