<p>I'm in the summer in between moving from freshman in Australia to sophomore in America. In Australia universities don't do anything except look at your academics so no one does anything during summer. So I'm wondering what I should do this summer that most American incoming sophomores do?</p>
<li>I'm interested in finance (the whole thing - Ibanking etc etc), math, history and law</li>
<li>Never had any experience working etc</li>
<p>Does anyone know what I should be doing? What types of companies in those fields give internships to 15 year olds? Or what type of job should I get?</p>
<p>Those internships are really for college students. Possibly high school seniors but definitely not sophomores. Do fun things with your summer that show that you didn't just sit around the whole time. Go to a camp or see if any summer college programs are still accepting (these are for high school students). You could find a job or do some volunteer work. Don't worry about crafting the perfect resume, just make sure you stay involved with something.</p>
<p>I think you may be getting a little bit confused. The people on this site looking for internships are freshman or sophomores in college, not high school. There are few businesses that will give an internship to an upcoming high school sophomore (especially in finances).</p>
<p>High school students in the states aren't typically expected to do anything major such as an internship either; we are just like you. A typical high schooler in the states would make best use of the summer by getting a part time job or POSSIBLY taking some college courses.</p>
<p>Don't take everything you see on here too heavily. Many students on CC have the perception that a decent job will only be obtained after graduation if they attended an ivy college, got a 4.0, and had prestigioius internships. While these factors are helpful, they aren't required for success.</p>
<p>A part time job in high school has three main purposes:
1) To make money (duhh)
2) To gain responsibility and independence
3) To build an early resume
The type of job doesn't really matter, so long as it contributes to the above three purposes (which they all should). The only exceptions to that would be if you could somehow land a job which pertained to your future career, so a job in finance for yourself would be a little boost. Don't plan on getting a job dealing with financial issues in high school; however, without some sort of connections. Your best bet is to find an average part time job in a restaurant, retail store, grocery store, etc...</p>