<p>What is there to do for fun besides going to parties?</p>
<p>A freshman perspective: Everything. Late night intellectual discussions. marathon movie watching on someone's laptop. The film series plays movies in the GORGEOUS state-of-the-art Center for Film Studies four nights a week, and won't show the same movie twice in four years - the movies are $4 Wednesday and Friday, free Thursday and Saturday. (There are also two-four midnight movies each semester, and those tend to have cult followings and are fun.) There's usually some sort of studet-run play and a performance each weekend. There are lectures. There's lots and lots of hanging out and wandering. And yes, parties. But all sorts of parties! There are dance parties and there are drinking parties and ghetto parties and hippie parties. It's pretty hard to be bored.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot.</p>