What to expect at Johns Hopkins University?

<p>As a first year premed student, what classes will I be taking and what textbooks will I be using?
(Please be specific with textbook names and authors if you can!)
Thank you</p>

<p>When you pick your classes there will be a link in ISIS to Barnes Noble Bookstore and they will tell you what books you will need. Sometimes professors don’t release what book you need until right before school starts. Last fall my son had to order books online after some of the classes started and wait a few days for them to arrive. With the online sites that rent books now, it is not nearly as expensive as it used to be.</p>

<p>The classes you’ll take will be mostly up to you! Depending on what APs you come in with, you’ll probably take some form of biology or chem for pre-med. Also, it will depend on your major. Textbooks won’t be released until after classes are chosen, and most students don’t buy them until about the week before.</p>