<p>What is a nice way to turn a coach down if you have not officially committed somewhere yet? I mean to say that I have gotten a lot of calls and emails, and I am trying to narrow my schools down by saying no to coaches. How should I tell them without being rude?</p>
<p>Something along the lines of “I think you have a great program and I’ve really enjoyed communicating with you, but I’m trying to narrow down my choices and I don’t believe that School X is the right place for me. I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming season!”</p>
<p>Most coaches will appreciate that you’re being honest. It means you’re not wasting their time by leading them on, and, while perhaps disappointed, they can now focus on other recruits.</p>
<p>I was recruited, and in my emails turning down coaches, it usually went along the lines of:</p>
<p>“I want to thank you for your efforts to recruit me, however I dont feel that X is the right place for me. Once again, thank you for your time and efforts, and I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming season”</p>
<p>Similar to what zeinX said, but I just didnt mention the narrowing down of choices (since, in my case, it wasnt a “narrow down effort”… I simply did not want to go to that school)</p>