<p>So I'm gonna have like an hour or so to talk to this girl I like really, really much tomorrow. She doesn't know, and we've talked a little, but not too much, and I'm not sure what to talk about!!! (I'm not usually this bad at social things - I've got friends and I'm fine w/ 'em, but b/c it's a girl I like it's tougher). Any ideas about what to talk about, and how to flow the conversation (we're gonna be working or something else, not like just talk for a hour). so - help appreciated (soon too) thx!</p>
<p>How old are you lol. Usually school n be funny</p>
<p>i don't get it. why are you going to be with her for an hour? just talk about what you're working on and let it go from there. </p>
<p>failing that. good movies you've seen or books you've read lately, good bands, past or upcoming concerts, etc.</p>
<p>just talk about whatever pops into your head and act natural. talk about your weekend, music, anything new in your life, how you're feeling at the moment, etc.</p>
<p>Just ask a lot of questions. Avoid politics, religion, and sounding really opinionated (because you can easily come off as condescending) at all costs. When she answers your questions, follow them up with more specific ones. Do you know any of her interests? Study up on them tonight and try to strike up a conversation about it tomorrow. If you can't think of anything, ask what she did during break and build up a conversation from that.</p>