<p>In 1995, USNWR did a survey among academics for the quality of teaching on college campuses that was similar to the reputation survey known as Peer Assessment. The teaching survey results were perhaps a shock to many and excluded many of the historical powers, including MIT, U Penn, Columbia, Cornell, J Hopkins, UC Berkeley, etc. For whatever reason, USNWR did not repeat this survey, but continue with their Peer Assessment survey which strongly supports the education status quo. </p>
<p>Following are the results of the 1995 teaching survey which today may or may not be a good indicator of the quality of classroom teaching (notice that both Stanford and Yale made this list, but Columbia did not). Overall, there was a strong level of agreement with your baseline thought that the major research universities probably aren’t the best places for undergraduate teaching. </p>
<p>1 Dartmouth
2 Brown
3 W&M
4 Rice
5 Princeton
6 Stanford
7 Duke
8 Miami U (OH)
9 Notre Dame
10 Yale
11 U Virginia
12 U Chicago
13 Emory
13 UC Santa Cruz
15 Vanderbilt
16 Boston College
17 Harvard
18 Northwestern
19 Caltech
20 Wake Forest
20 U North Carolina
22 BYU
22 Wash U
24 Georgetown
24 Tufts</p>
<p>With regard to advising, one of the ways to think about this is the level of resources that a college dedicates to students. Two broad measurements of this are USNWR’s Faculty Resource Rank and the Financial Resources Rank. IMO, these two measures are excellent clues for the nature of the undergraduate experience. Here are the Top 20 national universities in those ranks:</p>
<p>Faculty Resources rank , School (USN Rank)</p>
<p>1 , U Penn (5)
2 , Caltech (5)
3 , Princeton (1)
3 , Harvard (2)
3 , Duke (8)
6 , U Chicago (9)
7 , Wash U (12)
7 , Northwestern (14)
9 , Yale (3)
10 , Columbia (9)
10 , Emory (17)
10 , Vanderbilt (19)
13 , Stanford (4)
14 , Cornell (12)
15 , Dartmouth (11)
15 , Rice (17)
17 , Carnegie Mellon (22)
18 , Brown (14)
19 , Lehigh (31)
20 , MIT (7)</p>
<p>Financial Resources Rank , School (USN Rank)</p>
<p>1 , Caltech (5)
2 , Yale (3)
3 , Johns Hopkins (14)
4 , MIT (7)
4 , Wash U (12)
6 , Wake Forest (30)
7 , U Chicago (9)
8 , Harvard (2)
8 , U Penn (5)
10 , Stanford (4)
11 , Dartmouth (11)
12 , Princeton (1)
12 , Northwestern (14)
14 , Duke (8)
15 , Vanderbilt (19)
16 , Columbia (9)
17 , Cornell (12)
17 , Emory (17)
19 , U Rochester (35)
20 , Carnegie Mellon (22)</p>