What was the 08 PSAT curve?[ASAP}

<p>i got a copy of psat from a junior friend, and im desperate cuz SAT is in like 40 hrs LOL. so im gonna do psat, for personal pride and practice XD,i wanna see if i can get 210ish...but seems like its gone -1 math already, so yeahe
i was wondering what the curve is for math and writing? just give me the first 5 wrongs and its raw score</p>


<p>-1 is usually 76 on PSAT. Don’t expect an 80 on any section with minus anything. Sorry :(</p>

<p>yeah i know, what about -3 wr? o.o</p>

<p>1 wrong math is 75 and 1 wrong writing is 76</p>