<p>Self-explanatory...how many did you write and what did you write about? Were they comedic or dramatic, etc.</p>
<p>Well, I had 2 long essays, and the rest were the small essays... I went crazy on one long one and one short one, which was probably not a good idea...:</p>
<p>my long essay number 1: It was about my art experience or most specifically, my web graphic novel creating experience... I used this essay (from USC application) on the common application. I made it into USC and none of the common application schools. I guess writing a specific essay is kind of important too...</p>
<p>my long essay number 2: about my imaginary friend (well they wanted me to write about a potential classmate i could learn from;; ) named Fuzzy. Yes, his name was Fuzzy. This was my crazy essay number one. I thought it might be more exciting than talking about some boring person.. (<- my friend apprantly did write about some boring person and made it, while i didn't so, that tells you something, huh?)</p>
<p>and the short ones..: about my love of classic novels, my experience @ Cambodia/Vietnam, what i did on last sunday (i wrote about writing the essay itself @ Barnes and Nobles.. and oompa loompas..Haha).. and some art essay that was required of art majors... and i think that's about it.</p>
<p>my Common app essay was on 'The Monsoon'... i liked that essay. others were as per requirements</p>
<p>I wrote one for U of Chicago in the format of a mock newspaper article about how fun went to die there (a student slogan... printed on t-shirts around campus) and one about language... It actually was more fun to write them than expected</p>
<p>Common App essay -- My first big high school newspaper interview with the school district superintendent, how I love journalism et cetera.</p>
<p>Short CA essay -- My study abroad experience.</p>
<p>Crazy crapshoot essay -- Sleeping.</p>
<p>My commonapp essay: a weird/humorous essay about how I am short and skinny and can't gain any weight</p>
<p>I literally could think of no other topics...I really thought I was taking a chance with that essay. But I got into Harvard, Duke, WUSTL, Rice, CMU, Tufts, etc.</p>
<p>So basically it doesn't matter what you write about, as long as it is interesting.</p>
<p>i loved my uchicago essay "Mind that Does Not Stick" so much that I sent it to all of the other colleges I applied to too, getting rid of the uchicago references of course. I also wrote about a very personal experience that was life changing and was reflective of my activities and the lessons i've learned. One of the things I was afraid of was that colleges would think I "padded" my resume, thus I also directly addressed that concern as well. I guess it worked. :-p</p>
<p>My passion for English and learning in general was all over my essays. I was afraid it'd be cliched and impersonal or something, but at least it worked:) I wrote lots and lots of essays, y'know, the average of two supps for each school. Most of the body (about how enthusiastic I am about learning) was recycled. What I liked about my essays is that they're really ME:D</p>
<p>and troublesomejason, thats a gr8 topic.. i did it too. Only thiong is I modified my common app essay to suit it</p>
<p>bump bump bump</p>
<p>um I tried to make mine unique and fun.
One was about how my grandmother's stories inspired me to be a writer.
Another about my travel to India which included me playing with wild monkies and mattress surfing.
And the last about how boy scoutin developed my character.</p>
<p>Mine was funny, but really meaty..it was about how my Science Olympiad MS team got 2nd in the nation my 8th grade year (super devastating cause our school had won six times in a row before that), but then 9th grade, as a captain, we got 1st!!! yay!</p>
<p>My short ones were about flying with my dad, playing the violin and all that fun stuff.
Kind of unrelated...but my peer rec for my best friend was super awesome!!!!!</p>
<p>my main one was about how i went on a caving trip with my ap lit teacher and this goth girl in my class. it was fun... i rather liked it. very dead poets, i'd like to think,</p>