What were your hardest and easiest college courses this year?

<p>Easiest: Intro Sociology. I could ignore the class for a month, study the weekend before the test, and get an A.</p>

<p>Hardest: Honors Calc I, which was essentially an introduction to real analysis. I got an A, but probably only because I got really lucky on the midterm and got 96% on it.</p>

<p>Easiest: Surprisingly AP Bio. It’s not that the class was easy but I’m just better at biology than most of my class plus my teacher liked me(: So it was only easy because I have an obsession with biology, but still easier than most of my classes.</p>

<p>Hardest: Ughh IB Math -> I swear this class is just deformed Calculus. The curriculum covers everything I’ve ever learned in math (Geometry, Algebra 1/2, Pre-Cal, Calc ABC) and completely deforms them and makes it harder. I don’t understand I’m only SL (Standard Level). I wonder how bad HL (Higher Level) would be. I barely pulled a B in this class. </p>

<p>On the bright side, 2 months and 20 days til graduation!!!</p>

<p>Easiest: Urban sustainability. But that’s because I really enjoy the class.</p>

<p>Hardest: physics. It’s hard to keep it all straight when the professor talks and writes all over the place with no real order to anything. Plus, it’s boring as hell.</p>

<p>^^ Those aren’t college courses… </p>

<p>Easiest: Ummm… health geography? Maybe?</p>

<p>Hardest: I’d guess a class called It’s Great to Be a Girl. It was hard engaging with the girls knowing that 90% won’t finish high school. </p>

<p>I had an incredibly easy year. Yay senioritis :)</p>


My exact thought.</p>

<p>Easiest: Physics for Engineers I. I don’t have to pay attention in class at all and I got 100 on the first midterm. It’s all just math so far. The only annoying thing is attendant is taken with iClickers so you have to attend every lecture just in case and there is a quiz every week in recitation(they’re easy though). </p>

<p>Hardest: Chemistry lab. I’m only in the lab so I don’t have the lecture to help with the write ups and I have very poor lab skills. If I pass the lab though I don’t have to ever take a real chemistry class in college.</p>

<p>Easiest was my Communication and Sociology classes. I’d say my hardest was Latin.</p>

<p>Easiest: Applied Animal Behavior, it’s basically Animal Behavior (which I have already taken) but it focuses on animals I am really familiar with and the teacher is awesome.</p>

<p>Hardest: Either Orgo II or the lab portion of Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. It is just so much memorization for both of them (reactions and muscles/bones/organs/systems).</p>

<p>Easiest: engineering writing (almost no reading and little work, just harsh grading, but I’m a good writer and did well).</p>

<p>Hardest: honors quantum mechanics I. It’s hard to learn new math AND new physics concepts at the same time when the physics is unrelated to much of what you’ve learned before.</p>

<p>Probably mechanics of materials is my hardest
I do have yet to take a test in environmental, and that class has been all equations/ math, but I still think materials will be harder.</p>

<p>Easiest is water resources engineering. Not sure if I had ever gotten a 100 on an engineering test before taking this class.</p>

<p>Easiest: Surprisingly, it’s my English 4000-level seminar class. It’s writing intensive but my professor is BOSS so it’s not that bad. I got lucky because most of the other seminars (required for my major) involved a 20 page research paper but my professor doesn’t care. We have to write four 4-5 paged papers and read some books. </p>

<p>Hardest: Intermediate Macro. I think it’s because I can’t focus AT ALL this semester. >.< Senioritis and I’m only a Junior. I found the first three chapters fascinating but now, I don’t care. I have a midterm on Wednesday that I don’t know much about.</p>

<p>Easiest: Computer Science. I started out behind everyone since I hadn’t used a Windows computer in 10 years (Apple freak…), but with a little work, I’m way ahead of everyone and able to relax.</p>

<p>Hardest: This semesters math class. It’s not even difficult subject matter, it’s just that the professor doesn’t speak English, complains about us under his breath in Chinese, doesn’t tell us when assignments are due, etc…</p>

<p>OR a history class I had to drop because the professor was a complete and utter b!tch. She would force her views on her students, get really offended if they ever disagreed with her, and graded the women 10x harder than the men. I’m not saying I deserved an A for effort, but when someone else and me turn in a similarly constructed assignment and he gets 10 points higher for worse work, there’s something seriously wrong.</p>

<p>Easiest: Double credit Chinese course. Poured like 80% effort but I got that A yay</p>

<p>Hardest: Calc I (equivalent to Calc II/BC in most schools apparently) the only class in the world where a 95 average is a B plus. -_-</p>

<p>^ I would say that doesn’t make it a hard class, but a harsh curve.</p>

<p>Was hard to get the A that’s for sure lol</p>

<p>If a 95 is a B, what’s an A?</p>

<p>Easiest: Organic Chemistry II</p>

<p>Hardest: Tie between Physics II and Genetics.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m not sure either.</p>

<p>Easiest: freshman seminar (kinda bitter that I found out I could’ve skipped it by going part time last semester… Which is what I’m doing this semester).</p>

<p>Hardest: Calculus 1 since my Trig skills aren’t that great and I’m only working hard enough to get by.</p>

<p>Easiest: Beginning Tennis</p>

<p>Hardest: Either Personalized and Genetic Medicine or Spanish Literature</p>

<p>Easiest: Health Psychology</p>

<p>Hardest: Honestly, no idea which one. Operations Research II, Political Science 101, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos I, and Health Psychology are pretty similar in difficulty and one is only harder than the other if I don’t study enough in any of them.</p>