<p>Hi everyone, senior here. </p>
<p>My GPA is as follows:
Freshman: 3.3
Sophomore: 3.2
Junior: 3.85
Senior 1st semester (predicted): 3.9 or possibly a 4.0</p>
<p>I took 0 honors/AP courses freshman year (as freshman couldn't take AP/honors)
I took 2 honors courses sophomore more, out of the possible 4 that I could take (my school offers no APs for sophomores except for things like AP art history, which is an elective)
I took my most rigorous schedule junior year, and also improved my GPA a lot - all the highest level classes I could possibly take for my course progression, except for my math class)
Senior year, I'm doing dual enrollment at a community colleges (2 classes a semester), and then 2 honors, 1 IB, 1 AP, and 1 CP required elective class. </p>
<p>so, I definitely have an upwards trend. </p>
<p>My ~3.5 cumulative GPA is a scary number (excl. senior year of course). What years will they focus on most?
What schools could I get into with that sort of GPA? The avg cumulative GPA at schools I am planning on applying to is often much higher than my cumulative GPA, however they're more on par with my junior and senior year GPA.</p>
<p>Should I be worried? What will my GPA say to top-25 or top-50 schools? </p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>