What would it be like if I applied to universities and colleges with only O levels?

<p>Actually, not even O levels. O level Integrated Programme (Singapore MOE approved) equivalent. </p>

<p>Are there selective colleges who would accept such applicants? Or less selective ones as well? I just want to go to university soon...</p>

<p>You could get your GED (General Education Diploma - the equivalent of an American high school diploma that's acquired by passing a battery of five tests) and try your luck at a community college...</p>

<p>Seriously, unless you have some significant achievements that imply that you are too advanced to stay in high school, selective colleges won't accept you if you are not qualified to attend a university in your own country.</p>

<p>One of my friends wanted to apply with just her AS levels (as opposed to the full A levels) for an art course at university. She was strongly discouraged because applying without the full qualifications puts you at a disadvantage -- you'd be up against people who have their full A levels, IB diploma, etc.</p>

<p>**Besides the ivy leagues and other selective American universities<a href="bold%20for%20extra%20extra%20emphasis">/b</a>, most other schools would accept O levels for admission from international (well, at least Singaporean, but I don't see why this wouldn't apply to other internationals too) students. Purdue accepts O level grades alone for admission (see International</a> Students and Scholars: Application Process ). To give you a rough idea, an L1R5 of 11 was sufficient for entry into Business at the Purdue West Lafeyette campus four years ago. The fact is, many US unis see your 4 years in a Singaporean secondary school as more or less equivalent to completing American high school. And that is why if you apply after JC (in other words, with A levels), you'll normally get to transfer half or a years worth of credit, and you'll be able to complete uni in 3 years :)</p>

<p>The IP issue might make things a bit sticky since it is still new and there is probably no precedent... but then again, the very fact that you are in IP would probably mean that you are doing quite well academically, so it's worth a try. You might want to take the SAT or try to get your school to explain the system.</p>

<p>OMgosh thank you!!!!!! Woah... Really.</p>

<p>You will definitely be at a huge disadvantage at selective US universities and colleges, including the Ivy League + 2, Williams, Middlebury, and other such colleges and probably a few other schools as well.</p>

<p>hey, i hope im not too late to reply!!!</p>

<p>The official statistics given to me by the USEIC (US Edu international center, in singapore)
told me that 80% of colleges/unis in the US accept JUST O LEVELS!
NO worries! unless you are aiming for the Ivies… (which are super selective) </p>

<p>Now to be safe, e-mail the schools are are thinking of to ask.
To Up your chances, US schools appreciate individuality ! They want to know that you are a person with PASSIONS! </p>

<p>Firstly , have GREAT essay writing skills, essays are important for college applications.They give your application a human touch, and make it not just another piece of paper.</p>

<p>Get INVOLVED! What do you love? Have lots of CCAs, do outside school courses, take part in competitions (and win!),do internships, the more experiences you have the better. </p>

<p>Fit a stereotype! after doing ALOT of research i can tell you this. The colleges are looking for someone with SPECIFIC talent/passion, they do not what a jack of all trades.</p>

<p>Let us look at two comparisons:</p>

<p>Girl A:
-Science club CCA
-Dance lessons
-Swimming cert
-visits old folks homes
-multimedia class representative
-participated in sports
-Made a website
-piano lessons
-Helped animals
-Church group</p>

<p>Girl B:
-Award winning documentary
-Film course
-Radio broadcasting
-Script writing competition
-Multimedia CCA</p>

<p>Now look, Girl A looks like she’s trying too hard. She has done so many things, but seems to be passionate about NONE. On the other hand you can clearly see girl B has a passion for film/media.
So girl B will be the stronger applicant BECAUSE she stands out! She has a clear direction! She is not just telling you her accomplishments for the sake of it! </p>

<p>Now if YOU DO happen to have passions for more than one thing AND can prove it then by all means submit your application, and do all the things you really like! What im saying is dont TRY to show them that you are passionate/good at <strong><em>(fill in blank)</em></strong>__ Prove it to them!!
You do not have to win competitions to prove you like something, but the fact that you ENTERED these competitions is PROOF! </p>

<p>Now do not be mistaken, TEST GRADES also play a BIG role.
Take the TOEFL, and SATS…
And if you are more ambitious Take the SAT 2 and ACT! </p>

<p>And apply to PRIVATE schools! these schools tend to look at your CCAs/activities more than academics, this will help you as you only have O levels.
I plan to apply to US colleges with only o LEVELS as well. But be sure you can finance it, at a good private school it can cost $40k a year! and thats without food and room. </p>

<p>I hope i could help you! email me at <a href="mailto:petrina_345■■■■■■■■■■■■">petrina_345■■■■■■■■■■■■</a> is you want to chat : P
Dont get discouraged, there is always a way… even though sometimes i worry which colleges will accept me , i try to see how i can improve my application.</p>

<p>Best of luck!!</p>

<p>I think Petrina gave an AMAZING answer</p>

<p>wow hey i wrote this so long ago. thanks petrina for your answer!! i’m doing a levels, cos i’m aiming for top schools! also gonna do more stuff that i love! thanks again!!!</p>

<p>80%? I am not really convinced BTW</p>

<p>If you do apply to these colleges with your O levels results, does it necessarily mean that the degree will be recognized in Singapore?</p>

<p>@preciouspurple11 you mentioned graduating in 3 years… Does that apply to all Singaporean students or those that do well later in college or those who already have great A level results?</p>

<p>If you apply to colleges with your O levels results, does it mean that the degree will be recognized in Singapore?</p>