What would you do...

<p>I had a stuffed monkey! :D I'd ask my mommy to fix it.</p>

<p>I still sleep with stuffed animals.</p>

<p>Is that embarrassing?</p>

<p>no. so do I, lol. but my stuffed bear has one eye, no tail, and paint stains all over his coat :)</p>

<p>cry, have a funeral, and then 2 days later have a spiritual ceremony to bring him back to life</p>

<p>be like who gives a ****?</p>

<p>I never had a teddy bear when I was younger! I had every other type of stuffed animal, but not a teddy bear...</p>

<p>I second Vegan Actress' response...I burst out laughing</p>

<p>i'd shoot it again to make sure it was dead because bears are godless killing machines</p>

<p>if my teddy bear was shot, it would be a mercy killing...</p>