What would you do...

<p>if your teddy got shot in the heart?</p>


<p>You mean the stuffed animal?</p>

<p>Admit it, guys. You all have one in your closet somewhere. An old raggedy teddy bear from your childhood. And if mine got shot in the heart (aka the chest area...they don't have hearts, just polyester fiber fill), I'd probably take it to the tailor and get it sewed back up. It may serve no purpose to me anymore but it is a symbol of a byegone era--a time of carefree days when we didn't have to worry about stuff like grades, professors, college, tests, relationships, etc. Sort of comforting to see the old fellow in my closet now and then--he's a bit dusty but still sits on the top shelf in there.</p>

<p>What AFPrep said..</p>

<p>Yes, yes- the stuffed animal</p>

<p>You woke up one morning to find that your dear little teddy bear had been shot in the heart</p>

<p>umm, I wouldn't notice. I mean, I don't look through old boxes every day to make sure it hasn't been shot :confused:</p>

<p>plus, mine wasn't a teddy bear; it was a 'teddy' dinosaur :D</p>

<p>that would be a bit creepy...
I think I'd be worried about more than the teddy bear...
like who was in my room/closet with a gun...</p>

<p>I'd definately cry...</p>

<p>then go out and get a new one with all the new safety and luxury features. Like bulletproof hearts and side airbags.</p>

<p>Cover it up as if nothing happened.</p>

<p>That would never happen. My teddy can catch a bullet in midair with his "bear" hands. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMGLOLZ).</p>

<p>if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor 'cuz he's hungry? And the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a lil' bit of money?</p>

<p>I'd wonder why somebody shot my teddy bear. And then wonder why I had a teddy bear, the only stuffed animal I've become "attached" to was given to me last year lol.</p>

<p>I went through this phase in 4th grade when I would throw all of my stuffed animals (about thirty of them) onto my bed and sleep with all of them. It was actually really comfortable. Maybe I should do that again... except I've given (almost) all of my stuffed animals away to charities.</p>

<p>And his daaady's gone- in and out of lockdooown</p>

<p>Back to business- You wake up to find your poor teddy in distress</p>

<p>Les, I did! only I think I was younger... first-second grade maybe.
my bed was completely covered! I don't know how I slept....</p>

<p>I really don't have any around anymore though....</p>

<p>sadly my asian parents actually shot all of my stuffed animals on my fifth birthday, served them szechuan style, then yelled "STUDY NOW STUDY NOW! YOU GOING TO IVY LEAGUE!" and proceeded to lock me in my room for the next 13 years (my perception of stereotypical asian parents from various posts on CC)</p>

<p>what?! this is my competition? yeah, right.</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=354938%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=354938&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>shooting stuffed animalS???? ***? I still have a lot of mine..i dont sleep w/ them but once about a yr ago i was so upset i did i just grabbed one of my huge ones and just cried my self to sleep w/ it...i have all mine in a crate in my room...except 3 that mean a lot to me their from surgeries..their kinda display stuffed animals..2 from vermnont including one from my classmates and my favorite teacher and one from my dads partner at work. Also a Build a Bear from someone whos been driving trucks for my dad for 20 something years</p>

<p>my favorite non display stuffed animal=cat scan</p>

<p>my former friend gave it to me b4 my first surgery..
its a cat...
if u know scans u can get at the hospital u would know</p>
