<p>...but I hope i'm not the only one thinking it.</p>
<p>I'm not in college yet, but I figure this is the better place to ask since people here are already in college, so here goes...</p>
<p>Did you bring your security blanket/stuffed animal with you to college? And if so, what did you do with it/do you hide it from other people?</p>
<p>I-it's not as if I have one or anything like that, n-not at all. Definitely not.</p>
<p>(In all seriousness, I can sleep without mine, but i'm hesitant to leave it at home because my mom threatens to store it away and never have it see the light of day ever again.)</p>
<p>I assume you’re a girl from your user name, so I wouldn’t think twice about it. I brought my stuffed bear to college and didn’t try to hide it. I seem to recall a lot of other girls with stuffed animals in their rooms. I imagine guys would think it a little odd, though!</p>
<p>I am a girl.
I have a couple of stuffed animals I would be sad to leave behind (but aren’t weird or anything), but my blanket is almost non-negotiable. It’s not really a blanket so much as a raggedy unraveled ball of yarn, and it’s kinda hard to explain to people.</p>
<p>It’s totally fine to bring them. lol It’s not something to be ashamed of. I’m totally bringing my stuffed Darth Vader bookbag to college, even though the only thing it can really carry is my phone.</p>
<p>Both my daughters took theirs, well actually multiple but each has a special one from childhood that goes everywhere. One got left home accidently after break…had to mail it back to college! Both took them on summer jobs. Oh, both have some form of baby blanket/lovey.</p>
<p>If you don’t bring it, you’ll probably be the only person on your floor who didn’t. :)</p>
<p>Yeah, plenty of girls I know have stuff like that, you’ll be fine. A guy might get a second glance with a stuffed animal, but it would probably just be ignored.</p>
<p>Bring it! As long as you don’t make it a big deal, it won’t be. My roommate brought hers. She got teased a little - but only lovingly.</p>
<p>What a relief! I’ll just have to hide mine from my mom when i’m packing. :)</p>
<p>I know both girls and guys who have stuffed animals at college. Typically, the guys keep theirs on a shelf or their desk or something, but nobody judges them hard or anything. I personally just have my posters to keep me company. =)</p>
<p>My suitemates and I brought a ton of stuffed animals to college, so it’s not weird.</p>
<p>Nearly all of the girls on my floor freshman year brought at least one stuffed animal. I know several guys who have as well. It’s not that weird.</p>
<p>Stuffed animals can also be seen as part of decoration. I have little beanie babies all over my room (at home, I never dormed), but they serve more as decoration than anything.</p>
<p>And any kind of blanket is just a blanket to anyone else, so that shouldn’t be a problem.</p>
<p>I just asked my boyfriend if he is bringing his stuffed bear to college next fall, and he said that he is.
You’re gonna be far away from home and inevitably homesick, and the only one who would really see your animal would be your roommate. So why not bring it? I don’t think it’s weird, either. I might bring one but I don’t typically sleep with an animal.</p>
<p>Yep, and why would you leave something you adore at home?</p>
<p>My tiger blanket and tiger stuffed animal (and the wolf one) travel with me.</p>
<p>I brought one and my suitemates did, too.
Three of us actually went out to a store one night with the explicit purpose of buying more at a Walgreens. And it took a while. We even brought them with us into the TV room. I left my bear in the dorm over Thanksgiving break and felt pretty guilty about it, lol. Jonathan Taylor Thomas (my massive stuffed lion) was definitely a good investment.</p>
<p>I’ve had mine for over 15 years. You are not alone</p>
<p>I have a pillow pet my sister bought me that stays on my bed all day and night. I also have some stuffed animals (our school mascot and a soccer mascot) that I keep on the bookcase of my desk all day and night.</p>
<p>As long as you don’t talk to them I think it’s cool</p>
<p>^My roommate did.</p>
<p>She even took him to dining halls and to class. It was very weird.</p>