In the graduation-speech approach, you decide where you want to be in twenty years, and then ask: what should I do now to get there? I propose instead that you don't commit to anything in the future, but just look at the options available now, and choose those that will give you the most promising range of options afterward.
<p>I really liked that. :) I wonder why that high school vetoed his coming to give a speech :-S</p>
<p>I went to read it when (I believe) you posted it on another forum but now I can't remember in which thread! :(
Could you reminding me, please? I'd somehow like to get back to that topic but I have no clue how.</p>
<p>I like it, too. I find it way too difficult to plan everything in advance to the smallest detail--I tried it my freshman year when I planned out every class I'd take for the next four years. Then I moved next summer and had to throw half my plans out the window. So much for that!</p>
<p>I thought I had posted this link before, but I didn't find it when I searched for it. I'm glad you liked it. I think it is good advice for today's high school students, who sometimes find their lives consumed by doing things in high school to get into a good college.</p>
<p>That was a really interesting read, tokenadult. Thanks.</p>
<p>But (and there is always a but), my problem is that my interests (European royalty, German, piano, violin) have so few job prospects that it seems farcical to pursue a job in such fields (especially considering that I have no experience with the last two). In addition, I detest writing essays so much that the first option (for which I would have to write a good deal of essays) is rather unrealistic. Graham's advice, therefore, is somewhat less useful to me.</p>
<p>My eclectic interests don't seem to have many job prospects either, and I am definitely still not ready to give up on either, so I will try to come up with some job that will successfully manage to combine (at least most of them) together.
But as his speech said, many jobs that we might do in future still don't exist. So who knows ;)</p>