
<p>Can we talk about?</p>

<p>Free flu shots?</p>

<p>Grade thresholds for Presidents and Deans Lists?</p>

<p>How about whether the fresh has gained or lost weight since school started ( lost…all that walking)</p>


<p>Don’t know</p>


<p>And I am about to head to the airport to pick up my special “package” arriving from Alabama today :)</p>

<p>In the past, UA has offered free flu shots (in the four years my son attended, he never got one). They are usually given several times in various locations on campus.</p>

<p>As for losing or gaining weight, my son did not gain any weight his freshman year. He also did not eat regularly – was not a fan of the dining hall food. But, he did develop a liking for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.</p>

<p>Grade threshold for Dean’s/President’s list -</p>

<p>Dean’s list 3.5</p>

<p>President’s list 4.0 (does not have to be all A’s, can include B’s if there are enough A+'s so that the total GPA (for the semester) is 4.0)</p>

<p>Even if you earn a 4.0 and are on the President’s list the transcript will only say Dean’s list.</p>

<p>To find the locations for the Free Flu shots, check out “University of Alabama Flu Shot Campaign” Facebook page.</p>

<p>Here is what was posted yesterday:


<p>Looks like you have answers to your first two questions…</p>

<p>Weight…DS lost as a freshman. Combination of walking campus, marching in band and spending time at the Rec Center climbing and playing racquetball. Has kept it off so far as a Sophmore. From the restaurant and Publix charges I see on the debit card I am pretty sure it isn’t from missing meals. :)</p>

<p>my daughter lost weight during freshman year.</p>

<p>DS has never had a flu shot, and never had the flu. Hard to convince him to get one.</p>

<p>Weight stayed about even as freshman, maybe down a bit, despite eating like the six foot five teenager he is. Bought him a new suit when he got home in May, for interviews and upcoming family event. He came home 3 weeks ago for that family event, and his suit pants were falling off him. Daily practice with the women’s volleyball team (special invite), in addition to men’s club volleyball, keep him in awesome shape.</p>

<p>Just a cautionary note that if your son/daughter loses a substantial amount of weight, keep an eye on it. S1 at a different U looked skinny when he came home to visit over the holidays his freshman year, but since he walked at least 1-1/2 miles to get from his dorm to his classes (and back again) I thought it was the additional exercise. At Easter break he got sick and was put in the hospital with a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes (he was in dka, and was down to 115 from his normal 145/150 weight). I wish I didn’t just assume it was dorm food and exercise. There are other reasons that might cause weight loss so just keep this in the back of your minds.</p>

<p>Good point, kjcphmom. DS also lost substantial amount of weight last year as a freshman. He didn’t care for dorm food and was power walking campus, but I sent him to doc anyway for exactly that fear, as I have a nephew with Type I and knew rapid weight loss was one of the signs.</p>

<p>Thankfully, it WAS due to not liking the food or lines at the dining halls combined with his speedy treks around campus.</p>

<p>Although I think he looks like a refugee, the doc claims he is lean but in great shape. I do whip out the scale on visits home, (doc advised against any additional loss and I admit to fretting a bit) and he now challenges me to put weight on him before he returns to school. As I am a terrible cook, this is no easy challenge. </p>

<p>Ice cream. Lots and LOTS of ice-cream.</p>

<p>^ Definitely true, thanks. My brother was diagnosed after weight loss during college. Of course he started out over 300 lbs, so everyone thought he was doing great. Any unexplained or exaggerated weight loss needs to be investigated. I don’t think DS has lost much weight, just gotten lean and muscular from daily workouts.</p>

<p>NRDSON would not be whippet thin if he didn’t refuse to eat before 4:00.</p>

<p>“Lots and LOTS of ice-cream.” </p>

<p>I am ready to come visit and help clean out any of the leftover ice cream from NRDSON’s last visit home…just trying to help.</p>

<p>MemphisGuy, come to Chicago. I will make you some candied-bacon gelato.</p>

<p>Candied bacon gelato??? Is there such a thing? </p>

<p>DD spent last night at DCH with a sister. The poor girl sent out a group text to their circle of friends from a class she was in for “HELP”. One of them got her and made it back to the dorm before she started getting too sick. They got her to the hospital and her blood sugar was WAY TOO low. She is a diabetic and knows it. So, if your student does become diabetic, urge them to eat right while at school. With their crazy schedules and learning to eat away from home with no parents making sure they do eat right it can be hard. It is not something to mess around with. </p>

<p>Another sign to watch for is an inability to quench a thirst.</p>

<p>Yes, there is candied bacon gelato. I make it every summer for my BIL. Mine is similar to this.</p>

<p>[Candied</a> Bacon Ice Cream Recipe | David Lebovitz](<a href=“http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2008/03/candied-bacon-i-1/]Candied”>Candied Bacon Ice Cream recipe)</p>

<p>LOL. We need to go ahead and start a bacon thread. Bacon gelato, microwaved bacon at the Microtel, Bacon & Booze Inn (formerly known as Bed & Breakfast), etc. Definitely a theme here! :)</p>

<p>I created our bacon thread. You’re welcome. :)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1565741-official-bama-bacon-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1565741-official-bama-bacon-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Carcode2001, I am beginning to think you are really NRDMOM in disguise.</p>

<p>@Class2012Mom - I suggest that you may want to be careful…candy, bacon and ice cream all in one?</p>

<p>I can’t leave Memphis until tomorrow. Will need to stop by and put in my permanent address change before I leave town. :)</p>