Immunization records - any coordination between UA and UAB?

<p>My oldest son has been at UAB until now but has decided to transfer to UA starting Spring 2012. He says that he has not been notified by email of any immunization requirements, but it just dawned on me to look at the UA web site and of course UA requires proof of some immunizations plus a TB test. My question is - do any of you know if his immunization record from UAB would be sufficient, since it’s all in the same University of Alabama System? I tried to call UA Student Health Center but of course they’re closed until tomorrow so I was hoping some CC folks might know. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>UAB needs to fax his shot records to UA’s health center records. The process is the same no matter which college he transfers to…it doesn’t matter that he’s in the UA system.</p>

<p>When son went off to grad school, Bama faxed his shot records to his grad school…took like 2 minutes…Filled out forms, and fax went out.</p>

<p>Oh, thank you so much! That’s perfect - he can handle things at UAB this week.</p>