What're my chances? (odd situation)

<p>SAT: 1900
SATII (math2): 650
Current Senior Year GPA: 4.5
Cummulative GPA: 3.4 </p>

<p>My extra-curricular's include: building, running, and selling an internet company; working as a web developer for all of highschool, getting suspended for school for 'hacking' (had to disclose it)-- it all essentially says "really good with computers". I have one very solid teacher recommendation. </p>

<p>I did poorly in school until my junior year at which point my avg gpa jumped from low 3 to high 3. Then, I got hit by a car, had a personal epiphany (personal statement!) and now have perfect grades (4.3-4.5 gpa). I've taken lots of AP and honors classes. I've heard that schools have mercy for students who recover late in their highschool careers.. any truth here?</p>

<p>I'm applying for the IBE program and secondarily the school of engineering. I'm applying for ED2 as well. I noted that I planned to learn Chinese and Spanish and later go to China--the land of opportunity! What're my chances?</p>

<p>PS: did anyone enjoy the title pun?! harhar :D</p>