Whats a Good Freshman year GPA for a Engineer?


<p>So far im doing pretty well, but getting nervous once tests start. I suck at taking tests. What is a good GPA goal for a Freshman at Tech in Engineering?</p>

<p>131 views, no response :(</p>

/10 char</p>

<p>My advice is that you do the very best you can and not get discouraged. Even if you end up being disappointed with your GPA, you will get your feet under you. It is early in your freshman year and you are in a tough major. If you like it, keep your head up and persevere.</p>

<p>My rule of thumb is that if you put in the same effort/time of study that you did in high school, your GPA will generally be a full 1.0 below your high school GPA. That’s not a rule or anything but has been my general observation in most engineering majors. The tests are the hardest part and has always been what kills most of my grades. Just learn to be happy with a 3.0-3.2 which is actually pretty good in engineering. That was my original goal. Now I’d just be happy with a 2.8 overall (I have a 2.6 :confused: but higher in-major). Don’t stress about it. A lot of classes do curve, so just do a little better than the rest of your peers for a B+ or an A. </p>

<p>I’m at the point as a senior that I realized focusing on job/project experience or research should be much more worthwhile than worrying about high grades. You want decent grades but you want to enjoy yourself too some extent and something to show employers what you’ve actually done. If you hate the work then your in the wrong major. I switched to a different engineering major. Unfortunately I’ve taken too many credits to really significantly raise it at this point so that’s why you want to start working hard early then take it easy a little.
Honestly I didn’t study enough my first 4 semesters, waited until the night before way to much, partied every weekend (as a computer engineer) and It hurt me but i also just wasn’t into it. So yeah, balance is key.</p>

<p>I would say first year should definitely be above 3.5. It is not hard to do and will help a lot later on.</p>